Page 47 of After We Fall
I swallowed. He was entirely accurate on that.
“But—” I began.
“But what? How will it be different with my sister?”
“Because I care about her.”
He looked at me like I was a dumbass, which, when it came to Harley, I was. “Look, I'm not going to be stupid. I know if I tell you to stay the fuck away from her, that's gonna make you, I guess, have more feelings for her. And I'm pretty sure you're not telling me the whole fucking story. Whatever you do, don't fucking hurt her.”
“I would never do that.”
“Sometimes we hurt people when we don't intend to hurt them. You know?”
I nodded. “Of course.” He had me there. “So do you want to kick my ass?” I finally asked.
“If you hurt her, Iwillkick your ass.”
At that, he turned and walked away. “I gotta go,” he tossed over his shoulder.
I watched as he walked out of the plane hangar. It was just then I realized Tucker was in the office. I heard his footsteps as he approached. “Hey,” I said, feeling glum.
Tucker met my gaze as he approached, smiling slowly. “So that went well.”
I groaned. “Yeah.” I leaned against the plane, scuffing the toe of my boot against the concrete.
He chuckled. “So, uh, you have feelings for Harley?”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I do.”
“That definitely isn’t the whole story,” he pointed out.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, dude.”
He threw his head back with a hearty laugh. When he leveled his eyes with mine again, his gaze sobered. “Whatisgoing on?”
“I like her.”
“It’s never that simple, dude.”
“I know. Fuck, I’ve never had feelings for anyone.” I scrubbed a hand through my hair.
“I know the feeling.”
“What do you mean? You’re in love with Skylar. You two are doing great. Plus, you had that girlfriend in high school.”
Tucker had been in love in high school, and his girlfriend died. He simply nodded. “I suppose you’re right. But, dude, it’s never easy. If this is the first time you’ve wanted more than a hookup, well, it’ll be terrifying.”
“What should I do?”
He cast me a sympathetic smile. “I do not have an easy answer.”
“It’s complicated because Diego is kind of like an older brother to me.”
“Yeah, and Harley’s his younger sister. This isn’t going to be a neat and tidy situation. If you hurt Harley, he’ll probably kick your ass.”
“I'll let him,” I offered.
Tucker laughed softly. “Good man.”