Page 54 of After We Fall
She shrugged. “We all survived Gabriel and Nora's breakup. You weren't here for the whole of that, but they were pretty cold for a bit there.”
“Well, now they’re happy. Maybe Grant and I are just meant for a brief thing.”
“Do you really like him?” she asked gently.
My heart took off at a fast clip. I took a breath, letting it out in a sharp sigh. “I think so,” I reluctantly admitted. “Has he talked to anybody about it?”
I hated, absolutely hated, my curiosity, but I really wanted to know. If anybody knew, it would be Daphne. “Diego told Flynn that Grant said he hadfeeeeeeelingsfor you. I think you two are good for each other,” she offered with a decisive nod.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you are. Life hasn't been a walk in the park for Grant. Their mom died, and it sounds like their dad was a flake before he passed away. Even with that, Grant's got this easy personality. I think things do come fairly easily to him. You're a challenge for him. He can't just be the guy all the girls want to kiss or fuck, as the case may be,” she said bluntly.
I burst out laughing at that. “Are you saying I'm difficult?”
“No. I'm saying you're a challenge for him. You're independent. You're intelligent. You don't need him for anything, and I think that's good for him.”
“How is he good for me?”
Her eyes softened. She paused, finishing the last bite of her scone and taking a sip of water before answering. “It seems like you don’t trust the universe, especially when it comes to romance. You’re kind of prickly.” With the way she said it, I couldn't even get defensive, and I snorted a laugh. “Just saying,” she offered with a quick grin. “Grant will be good to you, and I think you deserve that.”
“Why would he want me? Like you said, I’m prickly.”
“I'm kind of prickly.”
“No, you're not!” I protested.
Her brows hitched up. “I'm doing better than I was, but when I met Flynn, I was pretty, well,really, uptight. That's why he calls me princess.”
I grinned. “I love when he calls you that. It's really sweet.”
Her cheeks flushed pink. “I love it too, but it drove me nuts at first. Anyway, sometimes it helps to have someone really good and solid. That's all I'm saying.” She paused, her gaze skating over me. “Does he know about your heart issue?”
“Yeah, remember? He’s the one who told Diego when I fainted before.”
She slapped her hand to her forehead. “That’s right!”
“I just started taking medication.”
“Will that help?”
“I hope. Quinn said we might have to adjust the dose.”
“I think you should let him know this happened.”
“I will. I have a follow-up appointment,” I said, feeling a little defensive.
“Good. I’d rather not find you passed out in the hallway again. Next time, I’ll call Grant or Diego.”
I glared at her.
A full three days passed before I found out what Harley was hiding.
“I told you about that,” Daphne was saying to Flynn in the kitchen at the lodge. “I found her in the hallway. I’d forgotten she has that issue with her heart skipping beats sometimes.”