Page 59 of After We Fall
“You know he’s pretty sensitive about health stuff.”
“Why?” I pressed even though I knew the answer.
“To this day, I think he feels bad he wasn’t here with us when our mom died. He drove home that night, but it was too late. He cares a little bit more than maybe the average person. It might kind of be a thing for him.”
I couldn’t believe I was getting a lecture from Grant’s little sister, and I hated the sharp pangs of guilt I was experiencing. “If it happens again, I’ll tell him.”
“What’s the deal with you all anyway?”
“Well, he’s been mad at me about that, so I guess we’re taking a break.”
“The timing’s good, I suppose,” she replied.
“What do you mean?”
Her brows hitched up. “Oh, he’s gone for two weeks.”
It felt as if I was abruptly falling from a great height.
“You didn’t know?” she pressed.
“Uh, no. We haven’t been talking,” I mumbled. I took a quick sip of my coffee, the bitterness matching my mood.
“He’s on a two-week tourist-guided trip. Elias was going to do it, but Grant offered when something came up for Elias.”
“Oh.” I didn't want to even admit how bereft I felt.
“I guess you would have liked to have known, huh?”
I tried to shrug and be nonchalant, but I couldn't even pull it off.
Cat eyed me with sympathy in her gaze. “He'll be gone for two weeks. Maybe that’s enough time for you two to sort out your feelings.”
“Forced break aside, I see your point. I should have said something. I just, well…” After I stumbled on my words, I blurted out the truth. “I'm still adjusting to having this. I don't like to feel weak.”
“I get it. I don't either. I'm the youngest in my family, and everyone else is tough. Even Nora.” She rolled her eyes. “Back to Grant. He really likes you. Not like the girls he just has his little nights with.”
I didn't even want to think about that. The idea of Grant being with someone else right now elicited a pang of jealousy. I hadn't even felt jealous when I caught my last boyfriend screwing my roommate. I’d been more upset with her than my boyfriend.
“I'll talk to him when he gets back. There's probably no way to reach him.”
“Hmm.” Cat shrugged. “You'd have to ask Nora if there’s a way to radio him. Don't be stupid,” she said as she stood. “I like to think you're smarter than me, and here I am lecturing you on your relationship with Grant.” She chuckled as she shook her head.
“I appreciate your perspective,” I finally managed.
She laughed. “Well, have a good day. I'm hanging out here. If I go over to the lodge, I'll want to help.”
“Makes sense. How's your play going?”
“When are the performances?”
“Three weeks. I'm super nervous, but I'm also excited.”
I grinned. “I think it's cool.”
“I've never done anything like this, so I hope it goes okay. Everybody has to start somewhere.”