Page 30 of Fear the Fall
“My best guess is a coup, and witches are at the helm.”
“You think they’re after us?”
“Who else? There’s nobody else here.” I throw my hands out, motioning around.
“But why witches?”
“I don’t think they have anything to do with the attack, but they’re clearly responsible for the demons’ ability to walk in the daylight. The wolves were wearing talismans.”
He nods, inhaling deeply. “What’s their angle?”
I shrug. “Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they want my sword in exchange for helping the wolves get rid of us?”
“That makes sense, but Michael won’t allow that. Angels will be all over the place soon,” he says, looking at me a little too intently.
“Why the hell would Michael care? We’re fallen. They have no reason to save us.”
“They might not care about us, Tori, but they won’t want an ethereal object in the hands of black witches. They also won’t stand around and allow demons to walk in the daylight. That would be the beginning of the end.”
I huff, “I don’t want to see any of those jackasses.”
Zeke chokes out a laugh. “Those asses were once your brothers.”
“They had no problem watching me fall. They’re no brothers of mine.”
His mouth forms a tight line. “I’ll be right by your side. I won’t let them touch you, Tori.”
“Who? The angels or the demons? Since apparently they’re all coming for me.”
“Both,” he stresses. “But the angels aren’t coming here for you.”
“No shit. We both know they’ve slammed their gate on me.”
“That’s in the past. It’s you and me now.”
I let Zeke’s words fall over me, cocooning me with his promise of protection. I’ll never understand why he’s so hell-bent on defending me, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Tori... I want to talk to you about something, but you’re not gonna like it.” My arms cross over my chest, already geared up for another fight. Zeke groans. “Just hear me out before you go getting moody.”
My hand flutters in the air, signaling for him to proceed.
“With the arrival of the new demons and their working with the witches, we’re going to need all the help we can get.”
“What are you proposing?”
“Blaine and his group.”
“Tori, see reason.” Zeke grunts. “They are good hunters.”
“They’re weak and slow. Things have progressed beyond their capabilities. It’ll only get them killed.”
“Can’t you feel it, Tori? Something has shifted. They can join the fight, and die helping the cause, or they can be sitting ducks with the rest of the human population and die anyway. At least in my scenario, they leave this earth as heroes in their own right.”
His hand darts out, moving a piece of my long blond hair behind my ears. I nuzzle into his palm, needing the comfort that Zeke offers in that simple touch.
“What will Michael and his minions think about that?” I purse my lips.