Page 51 of Fear the Fall
“Nah. Not now.” A yawn escapes Zeke’s lips. “I’m wiped out. Tomorrow will be better. Let’s rest tonight.”
I remain snuggled into Zeke, but my thoughts keep straying to his story about falling. At the end of the day, that matters less than how we need to move forward with the Nephilim, but I can’t help but question why Leeanna would claim he’s not telling me the truth. Why lie? After what I told him, his story seemed parallel. What could possibly be worse than staging a fall with another angel—the devil included under that umbrella term?
“Did you fall for the reasons you said?”
The question is out before I can think better of it. Zeke stiffens, and it makes me wonder why. Is he thrown by the shift in conversation, or is that a tell that he’s not being entirely truthful?
“Why would you ask me that? Did you talk to Leeanna about that?”
I shouldn’t lie—I’m questioning him about lies—and yet a voice in the back of my head, one that sounds a little too much like Leeanna for my liking, urges me not to divulge my entire conversation with Leeanna.
“No. I just... I’m having a hard time seeing someone as high and mighty as Leeanna in a different light. That’s all.”
He huffs. “Leeanna isn’t the perfect servant she attempts to convince everyone she is.”
“That I don’t doubt.”
She’s threatened to end me despite God’s will. Serious or not, that, in and of itself, is a slight on God. His word is the almighty word, and she knows better than to question it.
“Let’s not talk about Lee tonight. I want to spend time with you.”
I lean up and place a kiss on Zeke’s cheek. “What do you want to do?”
“Make out? Get to third base? Normal stuff.”
I smirk. “You’ll be lucky to get to second base before I fall asleep.”
“Is that so?” he asks, practically jumping up to straddle me. “I think I can convince you to stay awake.”
“You can try.” I bite my lip, eliciting a groan from Zeke.
His lips press against mine and we’re soon lost to sensation and pleasure as his hands run down my chest. He lifts my shirt and bra so that my breasts are bare to him. As good as his hands feel on me, I can’t help being distracted by all the things Leeanna said.
I’m not sure that I trust a word she says, but something niggles, and I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe I’ve allowed her to get into my head too much. Zeke’s given me zero reason to question him, and until he does, I’m going to push down my worries and focus on the impending war. It’s coming. Of that, I’m sure.