Page 103 of Trust the Fall
The dam breaks and they give into the pull. The sound of their moans and lips smacking together rips at my ears and turns my stomach.
They’re not even being careful about being caught. The alcove they’re in might have them out of view, but I stumbled across them and uncovered their identities easy enough. Do they have no shame?
A whimper from Camille finally snaps me into motion and I’m rushing away from the whole torrid act like my ass is on fire.
Well, at least they’re giving in to whatever temptations they’ve been fighting. It can only mean good things for me. Perhaps now my thick-headed mother will get it through her skull that River is not the man for me.
This will be easier than I thought. Meet the kingdom, request an audience with my mother, and get back to Luke, where I belong.
I push through the large ornate doors into the ballroom.
The opulence of the room has my jaw nearly on the ground. Gold and white cover the surfaces as far as the eye can see. The floors are white marble swirled with gold flecks. White tulle chiffon curtains hang in waves from the ceilings, creating a cloud effect. Twinkling white lights run along the material covering the ceiling and down the walls, creating a blanket of fairy lights that glow in the candlelit room. It’s romantic and picturesque.
Reapers flit around the room engaging in conversation. Some dance and some eat, but most stand around idly, appearing far too excited for these festivities.
When my eyes land on Cat’s, hers widen, and she rushes toward me.
“Victoria, what are you doing here? You were supposed to arrive on River’s arm. That was a direct order from the queen.”
I snort. “I don’t think the queen is too concerned about what I’m doing,” I say, and Cat’s eyes narrow in confusion laced with a hint of curiosity at my statement.
“Never mind,” I say, waving it off. I don’t want to air my mother’s private business. “I got tired of waiting around. This dress is heavy, and I want out of it. The sooner we get this show on the road, the sooner I can be out of it.”
Cat chuckles. “You are definitely going to bring a fresh rule to these lands.”
I should correct her. I’ve gotten to know her well enough that I don’t want to mislead her, but I don’t get a chance, because trumpets sound, and all the reapers grow quiet.
She arrives announced by trumpet? “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I say, mostly under my breath.
“Shh,” Cat chides, but she can’t get the laughter out of her voice.
“I’m glad I amuse you,” I deadpan. “Where is Leanna?” I whisper.
“I doubt she was invited. The queen isn’t very happy that she’s here.”
I guess I’m not surprised. Lee represents Heaven, and based on how things went down for Camille, I’m sure Leanna is a reminder of all the things she lost.
“There you are,” River says gruffly. “I’ve been looking for you.”
I shoot him a look of sheer amusement, leaning in so only he’ll hear my words. “Oh? Is that what you were doing with your tongue down my mother’s throat?”
He stiffens, coughing and choking intermittently. I slap his stomach and he grunts. I whisper, “Don’t worry, reaper, your secret is safe with me. And for the record, I told you to go for it, so kudos for actually growing a pair of balls.”
He grumbles something I can’t make out.
“Man of few words,” I say, not hiding my enjoyment at his expense. “So what am I supposed to expect for tonight?”
“She’s going to introduce you and explain that you will be visiting for a while, and that future announcements pertaining to you will be made as decisions unravel.”
I nod. That might be the best news I’ve heard since arriving here. River and I are on the same page and it pleases me to know that I will be included in all decisions. That’s a first in some time.
“Then, it’s party time. You can dance, eat, or go to your room. Whatever you prefer.”
“I prefer an audience with my mother at some point. I’ve only managed to speak with her for ten minutes before she went and fainted. We have a lot to discuss.”
“It can wait, Victoria.”
I turn to face him, glaring up into his handsome face that’s set in stone at the moment.