Page 105 of Trust the Fall
My head snaps to his and all I see is anger. He didn’t know this was coming either.
An infinitesimal portion of my distress releases with that knowledge. If he isn’t in on this, perhaps there’s still a chance that I will have his aid in fighting against it.
He lowers his mouth to the shell of my ear. “Not now, Victoria, but we will have our say.”
I nod curtly.
“River. Victoria. Please join me.” The queen gestures for us to come to the front.
There was no plan to cause a scene, but she made me a spectacle, and I intend to return the favor. She had no right to speak for me on matters of marriage.
In this moment, she’s no better than God.
Gasps ring out around me, and I realize that I said the words out loud.
The queen looks like I’ve just slapped her across the face.
Good. She deserves it. She’s trying to pull the same shit on me that was done to her.
“I’m sorry, Queen Camille, but no one speaks for me,” I say, standing tall. “I’ve been here for a very short time and you haven’t gotten to know me. You haven’t given me a chance to tell you my story, let alone all of these people. While I appreciate the introduction, I’m tired, and I think I’ll retire for the night.”
It is the best I can do at playing diplomatic.
Without saying a word to any of them, I turn and walk from the ballroom, my head held high, as I attempt to not wobble on the far-too-high heels on my feet.
When I’m in the quiet safety of the foyer, I let out a cleansing breath, doubling over once more with the weight of everything pressing down on my back.
“Tori, there you are.” Leeanna’s harried tone catches me off guard. “Are you all right?” she asks, taking in my current state of distress.
“Fine,” I lie. “What’s going on?”
“It’s started.”
“What’s started?” I ask, annoyed with her half information. I’m not in the mood to play games with Leanna.
She blows out a harsh breath. “The war in Hell. I’ve been summoned by Michael. Nolda’s forces are much larger than they had anticipated.” She swallows before continuing. “Abdiel and Bumalin have joined forces with Nolda after all.”
“What?” I screech, recalling the two powerful demons. Luke had said they were on his side, working to uncover Nolda’s plan for him.
“They’re only doing it to help defeat Lucifer so that they can battle each other to take the crown from Nolda.”
It’s so much worse than I feared. Nolda is a bumbling idiot. He’s evil, but he has nothing on those other two. With them at the helm of Hell, chaos will reign supreme.
“I’m coming with you,” I say.
Her eyes narrow. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea, Victoria. If you leave, the queen will likely side with Nolda, and that can’t happen.”
“How long before you go?”
“Now. I should’ve left already, but I knew you would want to know.”
I shake my head. “Can you give me a half hour? I need to speak to Camille.”
She bites her cheek. “Victoria, Lucifer has already called in the reinforcements. It won’t be long before Nolda’s army breaches Lucifer’s castle. I really can’t wait any longer.”
“A half hour,” I beg. “Please let me talk to Camille. Let me try.”
She groans but relents. “Thirty minutes, Tori, and then I’m leaving, with or without you.”
I’ll fall to the queen’s feet and promise anything for her help. And that makes my stomach twist even more.