Page 117 of Trust the Fall
“Another war?” I ask.
“A mighty war. Far greater than any before.”
“When?” Leeanna asks, and I nod several times, seconding her question.
“Not today.”
I have to control my urge to groan. There are never answers when God’s involved. It’s all riddles and half replies.
He shakes his head. “There are reasons I cannot say, Victoria. Reasons you would not understand. None of you would.”
“Try me,” I say, a little too testily, considering God is here and offering his aid to Luke.
Thankfully, he chuckles. “Victoria, I do miss your wit. Heaven has been rather dull in your absence.”
I smirk at the compliment.
“You must all prepare for the battle between good and evil. It is upon us.”
I have so many questions, but I know I’ll never get the answers I seek, and in truth, all I need is Luke back to health. All the other accusations on the tip of my tongue die as I remember the purpose for my calling out to him.
“And so it shall be,” he says, smiling down at me. “Now come.”
He pulls me back to my knees next to him. “Place your hands over Lucifer and pray.”
I do as instructed, putting my entire will into praying for Luke’s recovery.
With my eyes still closed, I only hear his sharp intake of breath, followed by a coughing fit. My eyes fly open, and Luke’s shine up at me.
“Victoria,” he grumbles.
I crash my body to his, peppering kisses all over his face.
“You’re alive. God, he’s—”
My words die in the air as I realize he’s no longer present, and we’re no longer in the throne room.
We’re alone in Lucifer’s room.
He’s sprawled on his bed and I’m hovering over him.
“Victoria. W-what are you doing here?”
“I’ve been here. Camille and the reapers came to help. Don’t you remember the fight?”
He shakes his head, wincing at the movement.
“Lie still,” I command. “You were badly hurt.”
“I was?”
He sits up, despite my request to remain still. He groans, rubbing his chest where the black magic entered.
I lift his shirt, and a deep purple bruise is all that’s to be seen from the magic.
“A black witch,” I explain.
“Yvette.” He nods, blinking several times as though to clear his sight. “It’s coming back to me.”