Page 33 of Trust the Fall
neither one is altruistic. Heaven is just as bad as Hell in some respects. They don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit themselves, Victoria.
“Careful, reaper. God might smite you.”
River grins. “I’m pretty sure we’ve all been smitten already.”
My eyebrow rises. “You mean the reapers?”
He looks around the room. “Well... at least one of us.”
I can’t help but grin back.
“Everyone out,” Nolda barks, and all the demons rise at the command, filing out of the room.
I stay seated with those that remain, waiting for demons to come usher me out. When they don’t, I slink down, trying to make myself as invisible as possible, wanting to hear what’s coming next. What plan could Nolda possibly have to overthrow Luke?
“Now, let’s get down to business,” Nolda says. “You two came to Hell for a reason, and I demand to know why.” He addresses the couple. “It’s very convenient that you two would stumble into Hell right before the doors were sealed. How?”
They exchange a glance but neither says a word.
“They were sent by Heaven,” River cuts in. “I have it on good authority that God placed them here to keep an eye on her.”
My head snaps to River, who’s looking at me. “Me? He closed Hell and sent them to watch me for what?” I ask.
“That’s what I’d like to know. For some reason, God doesn’t want Lucifer here, and that’s only been the case since you arrived.”
“You think Heaven is trying to divide them?” Nolda asks River.
“My queen believes so, and that has her curious. It’s why she’s granted this audience, Nolda. So... I’ll hear out your spiel, but let’s not pretend like Lucifer’s absence is anything but what it is—forced. He’d already be here if not for Heaven’s interference.”
Despite River’s early condemnation of Luke, this moment has me even more curious about the reaper. He’s making sure that everyone in this room knows that Lucifer is trying to get here.
Nolda glowers at River before turning toward the man-and-woman combo. “Is this true, Curtis? Sarah?”
Sarah nods.
“Sarah. You can’t—”
“Silence!” Nolda screeches. “What were you offered?”
Sarah doesn’t look at her companion when she rushes on. “Help against Elion. We were told that he has asked for the power of Hell to tear down our ward and extract the twins for Jacob Osborne. Lucifer told him no, but you... You agreed,” Sarah spits at his feet.
Nolda simply laughs at her vulgar display.
I’ve heard of Elion before. He’s supposedly Lucifer’s right-hand demon. The very demon who tortures souls and trains others how to do it effectively to bend their will to Hell’s.
“Do you know what they have planned for Anna and Andrew?”
Sarah chews on her cheek. “They don’t go by those names anymore.”
“Whatever,” Nolda’s hands shoo off Sarah’s words. “They won’t have a choice for long. Once they’re in Jacob’s clutches, they’ll be back to whoever he decides they’re to be, serving Elion. Serving me.”
Sarah’s face pales. “When?”
“The moment Lucifer is removed.”
A wicked smile curves Nolda’s face. “Just so we’re clear, I don’t want nor need his help.”
The couple share a glance, both of them looking confused.