Page 37 of Trust the Fall
My head jerks back. “What? I’m not going to the reaper kingdom.”
“Sorry princess, but you are. No way around it,” he says, sparing me one quick glance before turning his entire body away from me. “I’ll need to leave with her by nightfall,” River continues, and I have the urge to shake him.
“I don’t know anything. I already told you that.” My voice pitches from both frustration and a growing sense of panic.
I don’t want to be in Hell, but at least here, Luke will be able to get to me. If I’m taken to whatever otherworld the reaper queen hides out in, it will be nearly impossible for him to find me.
“She’s not going anywhere. If Queen Camille wants an audience with her, she shall come here. I, for one, would like to know what this angel could possibly know that the queen wishes to uncover.”
“That makes two of us,” I say curtly.
River takes a threatening step toward Nolda, and the wolf-like beast bares his teeth.
“If the queen learns that you’ve kept someone she deems special locked up here in a cage, you can be sure you’ll never wear the crown.”
Nolda blinks rapidly, looking between the two demons at his side. The wolf dips his chin as if to saylet her go. Or he could be giving the approval to end River’s life. Either is a possibility.
“Fine,” he snarls, looking none too happy to have to kowtow to anyone’s wishes. “Go to the queen. Take her with you as a sign of good faith that when you return, I’ll have your allegiance for allowing her the audience she’s requested.”
Nolda’s tight-lipped smile belies his shaking hands. He’s good and pissed, all right. And worse, he’s not sure this is the right move. But he knows not to cross the reaper queen. “I must say, congratulations are in order, if she’s the key to uncovering where your future wife has been hiding out all this time.”
Future wife?
“Yes well, she seems to believe Victoria is the key to uncovering her whereabouts.”
“Are you all insane? I’ve told you already, I know nothing about this missing princess. I hardly knew a thing about reapers before today.”
I level River with a glare that promises harm. “If you’re counting on me, your future is bleak. And for the last time, I’m not going anywhere.”
His lip curls into a grin that boils my already scalding blood. “Sorry to disappoint,princess, but you are. I’m sure of it.”
Disgust is too small a word for what I feel in the moment. Rage. Hatred. All of it bubbles to the surface, and before I know it, my fists are slamming into a solid wall of muscle.
I might not have my full power here in Hell, but I’m strong, and that truth is evidenced by the way River’s brows tilt inward with every smack to the chest I deliver. He’s taking me away right before Luke can get to me.
“You bastard!” I yell, continuing my assault. “You’re not taking me anywhere. I won’t go.”
“Jesus Christ and Christmas, will someone get her under control?” Nolda bemoans.
My fists are caught in River’s solid grip as he bears down on me with that same infuriating grin. I want to slap it from his entirely too beautiful face.
My chest heaves with every shallow breath I take. The walls are closing in, and I know I need to get myself together or else suffer a major panic attack in front of these vile people.
“Calm down, Victoria.” River leans into me so that only I can hear his next words. “You don’t want to show weakness here.”
I continue flailing, trying and failing to kick River in the shins. I’ll show him weakness. “You... monster.”
River crashes me to his chest. “I’ve been called worse, princess. Now calm the fuck down.”
His tone is one of warning. And it pisses me off even more. If he thinks that dominance is the way to get my submission, he doesn’t know who he’s messing with.
I stomp my foot down onto his, slap him across the face, and bring my knee up into his crotch.
Then... I run for it.
I don’t get far before strong arms circle around my middle, hauling me back into his firm chest. I know it’s him without even looking. The intoxicating scent of pine, leather, and whiskey gives him away.