Page 69 of Trust the Fall
“In her case, I’d permit it,” Michael sneers, eyeing Lilith like she’s a rat carrying the plague.
“Leave us, Lilith,” I command, and she scurries off.
“You brought us here; now what do you want?” Michael snaps, ever the conversationist.
I turn, taking my place on the throne before answering. It’s a power move. One that should send the message that this is my domain and they’re only guests.
“You forget I’m allowing you access to Hell at God’s request. This isn’t a favor to you, Michael, and in truth, I could simply refuse altogether.”
“No,” Zeke cuts in. “I apologize for his behavior on behalf of Heaven. As you know, the past day hasn’t been easy for him. Victoria has refused to see him.”
“I wonder why,” I deadpan, taking a sip directly from the decanter.
“Lucifer, would you prefer we come another time? You seem preoccupied.” Zeke eyes the whiskey.
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Please take a seat.”
I snap my fingers, and two chairs appear behind the angels. It’s as simple as thinking about the object I require and snapping my fingers. Very basic, but effective.
The angels glance at each other before sitting.
“First order of business—the Bellamys,” I say, getting the conversation rolling.
“God wants Lawrence to gain access to the Fae world. Someone has already beaten him there. Thus, the Fae are anticipating his arrival.” Michael doesn’t look at me as he delivers this news. Instead, he picks at invisible lint on his pristine robe.
“I’ll arrange for someone to escort him to the portal first thing tomorrow.”
Michael nods in acknowledgment.
“How is Julian doing on getting the witch here?”
“Shante is trying to determine what kind of magic Yvette is using. As soon as she’s cracked that, she’ll be ready to come to Hell,” Zeke states.
Witches are on their own timelines. They have no allegiances until it suits them. If removing Nolda requires their help, who knows how long that could take and how much damage could be done.
“Do you think that’ll take long?”
“A week maybe? Two tops.”
I nod my head. “I need a favor from Heaven.”
Zeke’s eyebrow rises, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Can you get a cage made of Heaven’s soil?”
“For?” Michael and Zeke ask in unison.
“I don’t plan to kill Nolda right away. Torture is the best way to ensure that no other demons, high or otherwise, step out of line once I’ve reclaimed my throne and each and every traitor is dealt with.”
Zeke bobs his head. “I guess that would be the way it’s done in Hell. No mercy.”
“Mercy is reserved for those who deserve it. Nolda took Victoria from me. He will suffer.”
“Victoria isn’t yours to have,” Michael declares. “She’s the reaper princess and my daughter. She’ll never be yours.”
I stand, hovering above the angel menacingly. “You might’ve been involved in her birth, but you’re far from her father, Michael. Do you have any idea what she wants? Do you even care?”
He joins me in standing. “That may be so, but I know that Hell isn’t where she belongs. Is this where you want her?” he asks, motioning around the room. “Here amongst demons?”