Page 79 of Trust the Fall
“The Barrens?”
“It’s what this place is called. Each sector has a name, like anywhere else.”
“How far do we need to go?” I ask, wondering what horrible places we’ll see along the way.
“Not far, just to the edge of Abdiel’s territory. He was the horned demon who was with Nolda. He won’t give us any problems. He’s given you and me safe passage as a favor to Lucifer.”
No surprise there. That one in particular was next-level creepy but calculating. He watched the room, taking everything in, while Nolda ran his mouth and indulged in the finery.
“Why would he allow that? What’s in it for him?”
“To gain trust. He’ll be the first to strike if Lucifer is ever to be overthrown, but he’ll hedge his bets for now.”
Of all that was just said, that one word is the one I hold on to. It gives me a modicum of hope. If River hasn’t completely lost faith in Luke’s ability to remain in control, then I certainly won’t.
“Where do we go from here?” Law asks, sounding impatient. “I don’t think it’s wise to stand around. They’ve likely discovered our absence and have demons searching now.”
River nods. “We might be given safe passage, but that doesn’t mean Nolda isn’t lurking. With his ability to stay hidden, we need to be cautious.”
“This is where we part,” River says. “You’ll want to head off to the east, beyond the two clusters of stalagmites in the distance.” He points to some towering rocks that seem miles off.
“I’ll never make it there unseen,” Law surmises. “You only mentioned safe passage for you two.”
River grabs my hand, pulling me away from the frozen people. “Not my problem.”
“River,” I chastise. “We can’t leave him here to die.”
“Like I said, not my problem.”
Just when I start to soften to the reaper, he goes and reminds me that he isn’t exactly a good guy. The jury is still out on him and right now, I’m leaning toward untrustworthy.
“Make it your problem,” Lawrence bites, rounding on River. “If I don’t get to the Fae kingdom, the vampires will revolt, and the human population will suffer greatly. I’ve heard that you reapers are gunning for a release from your duties, but at what cost?”
I gasp. He was serious when he mentioned an extended holiday. The reapers are truly considering banding together for the first time and abandoning Earth? They’ll just allow chaos to reign?
“Things have changed in that regard. Now that she’s been found.”
River looks to me, and my lip curls in disgust. I don’t want to play any part in his or his people’s plans.
“Let’s hope that’s true.” Law’s skepticism is clear, and I don’t blame him.
The reapers are a fickle bunch, and if my short time here in Hell has taught me anything, it’s that they change their minds on a whim. They’re not to be trusted.
River drops my hand, stepping into Law so that the two bump chests. They’re nose to nose, and I fear what’s to come.
“I don’t owe you a damn thing, vampire.”
“Stop!” I yell a little too loudly, considering we’re trying to fly under the radar for Law’s sake, if nothing else. “We don’t have time for this.”
River doesn’t move, but he doesn’t say anything, and neither does Law.
“Good grief. Will you two knock it off?” I say, getting in between the alpha idiots. “Why are you being an asshole all of a sudden, River?”
“We’re in a bit of a hurry. This wasn’t part of the deal, but Lucifer sprung him on us, making his mission my problem. I don’t like being inconvenienced.”
“Your existence is an inconvenience to me, but I’m not bitching like a small child.” Lawrence grins at me but I turn from him to glare up at River.