Page 108 of Blood that Burns
I stand, stretching my arms over my head, relishing the pull of muscles, when a hand lands on the small of my back. Looking over my shoulder, I find Law smiling wide.
“I’ve been wanting to catch you. How are you feeling?” he asks, not removing his hand from my body. A tingle works its way up my spine, and I wish we could disappear so I could show him just how good I am.
“I’m perfect. Just keeping busy with these riveting trials and meetings,” I say, raising my eyebrows.
He grins. “They certainly have been... riveting.” He chuckles. “What do you have planned this afternoon?”
“My schedule’s free. Did you have something in mind?”
He leans down, bringing his mouth to my ear. “Several.”
Liquid heat pools in my belly and I have to bite down on my lip to stop the moan threatening to push free.
“Later, sunshine,” he says, stepping back with a look that promises so much. “I need to catch up with Julian quickly.”
I’m turning to head toward the library when he calls out my name. I turn back with a raised brow. He shifts on his feet, looking nervous, which is so at odds with what I’ve seen of him. Nervousness doesn’t seem like something the vampire would experience often. “Maybe... don’t wander outside alone?”
My mouth opens and shuts, words escaping me. I’m completely caught off guard by his request, wondering what’s brought it on.
“I won’t,” I promise.
When my eyes lift, I find Law smiling wide, nodding his head and biting his bottom lip. There’s something about it that makes my stomach flip. This new playfulness does things to me that I can’t even understand.
I’ve never had an inkling of attraction to anyone outside of Law, in my entire life, but this level of attraction to him is off the damn charts.
He grins one last time, surely reading my mind, before turning and walking back into the room. I watch until he’s out of sight, thinking about the concern he showed about the idea of me roaming the grounds alone. If he thinks it’s a bad idea, I’ll gladly resist. I trust his instincts.
Trust is something I don’t dole out easily. I’ve learned to not trust many people with my secrets because I’ve always been disappointed when I did. It’s yet another reason I’ve convinced myself that Law is the one for me.
I trusted him almost from the start, for reasons I could never explain. Still can’t, unless I count the familiar bond as reason enough.
“Hey,” Marina says, and I swivel to find her alone, Addy long gone.
“I thought you’d left.”
“I was just trying to give Addy comfort. I wanted to come check on you, but I see that was unnecessary.” Her eyebrows wiggle and my face heats. “That’s... interesting.” Marina’s observation quickly pulls me out of all thoughts of Law.
“What’s interesting?” I say, trying and failing to keep the giddiness out of my words.
“You and Law.”
I shrug. “We’re... together.”
“About damn time.”
My answering smile should say it all.
Yes, it is.
“Where are you heading?” she asks, trying to keep up with my long strides.
“The library. There are some things I need answers to.”
“Or you need to be kept busy while your man is preoccupied.” The teasing lilt to her voice has me snickering.
“Or that.”
“I’m coming with you.”
A day of research with my sister will do the trick of keeping my mind off carnal thoughts.