Page 11 of Blood that Burns
“It wasn’t just you. I allowed it to go too far. I was starving for attention, but not that kind.”
“I’m so sorry,” he murmurs.
“We’re friends, Marc. I don’t want that to change, but we can only be friends.” I stress the last part, trying to make it not sound harsh.
I don’t want to hurt Marcellus. He’s been good to me despite the last few weeks. And even his actions these past weeks I can forgive, because I know he wasn’t in a good place. Still isn’t.
“I came to tell you that this will be your last night here.”
My head jerks back at the abrupt change in topic, ears ringing before everything goes deathly quiet. I think my heart stops for a moment too before picking back up double time.
“What?” I ask, needing him to elaborate.
“My brothers are coming for you. You’ll be all right with them. You’ll be with Marina.”
My breath evacuates my chest at the realization that Law is coming to get me. That I’ll be with Marina again.
“W-what will happen to you?” I ask, knowing that if Law’s learned where I am, he’s likely coming with vengeance. There is no love lost between the Bellamy brothers, which is heartbreaking.
“I’ll be fine. I’ll need to be long gone by then.”
I stand, rushing toward him. “No. Stay. Explain to them why you’re doing this, Marcellus. Make them understand.”
His head shakes back and forth, and the sadness I see breaks me even further.
“I’m in too deep, Magdalena. To truly save you and the rest of humanity, I have to stay the course. You have to keep my secrets.”
I scoff. “What secrets? That you’re playing the Council and allowing them to think you’re a monster?”
“All of it, Maggie,” he stresses. “They need to believe that you were a prisoner here. They can’t know I told you anything. It’s imperative that you keep my secrets. For the good of everyone.”
“I won’t,” I snap. “I will not lie and allow them to think you harmed me.”
He blows out a breath, reaching out to touch my cheek. “I’m not asking you to lie and tell them I harmed you. I’m simply asking that you don’t tell them about my ulterior motives for saving you. My mission within the Council.”
I search his face, and all I see is determination. There is no talking him down. He’s made his decision and believes what he’s doing is right.
“Okay,” I say on an exhale. “I’ll keep your secrets, Marc. But I don’t like it.”
He nods, caressing my cheek once more before dropping his arm to his side.
“You’ll go clean up now while I have your room put together. Once you’re done, we’ll lock you in. Julian and Law will be able to open it when the time comes.”
He’s listing off what’s to happen like he’s reading from a grocery list, no feeling or emotion evident.
I’m so caught off guard that I don’t even realize he’s at the door until it’s open and light streams in from the hallway.
“All I ask is that you don’t hate me when this is all said and done,” he says with his back to me.
“I won’t,” I promise.
He huffs out a deep breath, sounding resigned. “You’ll find that harder than you think when you learn the whole truth.” My eyes narrow as I consider his words.
The whole truth? What hasn’t he told me?
“I really am sorry, Maggie. I only ever wanted to protect you.”
With that he walks out, leaving me perplexed and dumbfounded.
He’s kept secrets.
Law is coming for me.
I’ll be with Marina again soon.
I should be ecstatic, but I’m left to wonder, what will happen to Marcellus?