Page 123 of Blood that Burns
“Maggie, what are you doing?” Law places a hand on my shoulder, and I look back at him.
“It’s Molly,” I explain, eyes wide. “She’s here.” I turn toward the woods, but Molly is gone.
“She was here?” he asks, head swiveling around, searching the area.
“Yes. She said we need to go to New Orleans to find a witch who has the talisman we need to enter the Fae kingdom. We’ve got to go.”
Law grabs my arm. “Wait. How do you know this isn’t a trick?”
“It was her, Law. I know it.”
He drops my arm, stepping back and running a hand through his hair.
“Something sounds off about this,” he says, but I hardly pay him attention.
My gaze is trained on the woods, wondering where Molly disappeared to.
“It was her,” Reese says, practically gliding up to us from out of nowhere.
“Were you listening in on us?” Law barks, stepping between Reese and me.
“Calm down,” I tell him, placing a hand on his back. “Hear her out.”
Reese offers a small smile to me. “That was a glimmer of Molly. Something the Fae can do. She wasn’t physically here, but her essence was. What she says is true. There is a witch in New Orleans who can help. I’ve seen it.”
Law’s body is rigid and his eyes are narrowed in on Reese. He still doesn’t trust her.
“I’d strongly recommend that you don’t heed all of her words. Do not take Marina to the Fae kingdom. If you do, none of you will return.”
Law takes a threatening step toward her, and my hand shoots out, holding him in place.
“What have you seen?” he says through clenched teeth, just barely restrained.
“Not much. Just that you will go to New Orleans, and she will meet the witch.” Reese’s head nods toward me. You won’t tell Marina, which is wise.”
“I don’t like the idea of keeping more secrets from her. We promised each other we’d do this together.” I direct this to Law, who doesn’t even look at me.
His eyes are trained on Reese.
“Why should we trust you, Lucresse?”
She laughs, but it lacks humor. “You’ve trusted me with far greater secrets, Lawrence.” She purses her lips, considering him. “Why do you look at me in such a way, when all I’ve ever done is help you?”
It’s a fair question. From what I’ve gathered, she’s never spoken to anyone about what she helped him with. Even now, she takes care to not voice what secrets he shares with her.
His shoulders droop and his head lowers. “It’s not you. It’s fear. Every time I see you, it’s a reminder of the heavy burden I bear. One day, my brother will learn of my actions, and I’ll lose him too.”
She shakes her head. “Always the pessimist, Lawrence,” she says. “Have faith in your relationship with Julian. Trust him.”
My hand darts out and I squeeze his. I hope he takes Reese’s words to heart. I don’t doubt that he has nothing to fear with Julian. He lived the same life that Law did, and he of all people will understand his need to protect me and Marina.
Reese offers me a smile as though she knows exactly what I’m thinking. My shield is lowered, because I’ve been too focused on Law. While I’m getting the hang of it, it’s going to take time to master guarding myself.
“What do you suggest?” Law asks Reese. “When do we go?”
She shrugs. “The sooner the better. Time is of the essence, it would seem.”
I huff out a breath. “We can’t tell Marina and Julian the truth. Marina will fight to come with us to New Orleans, which will only make keeping her away from the Fae kingdom harder.”
Reese nods, agreeing with my assessment.
“How do we leave the manor without telling them?”
I lick my bottom lip, considering all the possibilities. “She knows about us,” I say, motioning between Law and me. “You tell them you want to whisk me away to the cabin for some alone time for a few days. Tell them it’s a surprise.”
“That way Marina won’t interrogate you,” Law surmises, and I nod in confirmation.
“It’s a perfect night to set the stage,” Reese suggests. “I’m heading back to New Orleans tomorrow. You’ll travel with me. I know just who you need to see.”
Law and I share a glance before I turn to Reese and say, “Let’s do it.”