Page 136 of Blood that Burns
It takes only a few minutes before I see the black crow circling overhead. It swoops low.
“You rang,” she draws out, sounding incredibly bored.
“Hi. Hello,” I say awkwardly, unsure what to say.
My eyes land on Law’s pinched features. “Well, this is new,” he says.
“I’m unsure how to do this,” I admit to Law, but it’s Veda who replies.
“You called for me, so I’m assuming it was for something important. Do you have a question?”
Something about her tone irks me. “You know, you’re supposed to be my guardian, and you’re awful confrontational.” My arms cross over my chest.
“I was resting for the first time in twenty-four hours. Figured you have a couple more days here in the Elysian Field before you solved the puzzle and found yourself in front of the portal.”
“That’s it! I called you here to help. Any details you could provide would be fantastic.”
“The row of tulips. The red ones,” Veda says into my head. “It’s a mirage. Step directly on top of them, and you’ll find yourself at the mouth of the portal.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” I say, staring at the offending flowers.
“What is it with you humans, constantly using such disgusting phrases?” Veda complains, annoying me.
I’m not sure I’m going to keep this guardian when it’s all said and done.
“Veda, it’s been lovely chatting with you. So glad that I picked the short straw.”
Law barks a laugh, and an ear-piercing caw rips from Veda as she flies off into the sky.
“We have to step on top of the tulips.”
“You’re serious?” Law deadpans.
“Deadly so.”
“And your bird told you that?”
“Yes again.”
He shakes his head, dumbfounded. “I am never going to get used to that.”
“You and me both,” I say. “You ready?”
He nods. We both take a deep breath, grab hands, and step on top of the tulips, just like Veda said.
I don’t feel a thing. One moment we’re stepping on the flowers and the next we’re standing in front of a large boulder that’s surrounded by some type of force field. It shimmers like spiderwebs under a green light emanating from somewhere behind the veil.
I’m transfixed by the twinkling glow, wondering what lies beyond this point.
“This is a mistake,” Law says, as he turns toward me. “I think we were being very hasty, rushing here. We don’t really know what to expect with the Fae, and we’re so unprepared,” he says, looking extremely edgy.
I’m not sure why, but I’m not. I feel at peace, and my gut tells me this isn’t a mistake. We’re here because I’m supposed to be.
I place my hand on his cheek. “I can’t explain how I know, but I do—the Fae don’t plan to hurt me. They need me and we’re here to find out why.”
“I can’t let anything happen to you,” he says, nuzzling into my hand.
“Trust me,” I whisper.