Page 20 of Blood that Burns
I stare up at a stone fortress in a mix of fear and awe. The place has that creepy haunted-castle vibe, which shouldn’t surprise me, considering a vampire lives here.
Ivy rains down the walls, hiding the cracking grey stone beneath, while shadows dance behind the many darkened windows that cover the expanse of the front. My eyes continue to climb each of the stories, wondering if the place actually ends or simply ascends into the clouds.
“This is... overwhelming,” I say to myself.
“It was my father’s residence.” His words are clipped, just like every other time he’s mentioned his father. I never ask, because he’s made it clear that topic is off-limits.
Yet another inconsistency in thisfriendship.
He insists upon knowing every detail of my life, but when it comes to him, there are whole subjects that I am not privy to. It never bothered me before, but with almost a year away, I see it for what it is. Bullshit.
When I don’t say anything, Law continues. “Julian owns it now.”
My nose scrunches. “Julian chose to move in here?”
From what I’ve gathered, none of them had a particularly close relationship with the senior Bellamy. They’d all wanted to get out from under his rule. Law’s relationship with him was the most strained, but Julian’s wasn’t far behind.
“Not exactly. He has his own place on the grounds. He prefers it there.”
My eyes sweep up the grey monstrosity. “Just about anything would feel more like a home than this.”
“You’re not wrong, but right now, the castle is the safest place for you and Marina.” He slides up next to me, taking my arm and wrapping it around his own. “Are you ready for this?”
It’s not hard to deduce he’s talking about my reunion with Marina.
I look up into his shining eyes and smile tightly. “Rip off the Band-Aid.”
If I didn’t know better, I’d think the second in line for the vampire throne was giddy. His broad smile, paired with the sparkle in his eyes, tells me that he’s excited for this reunion. Probably more than I am, for no other reason than I’m nervous about Marina’s reaction.
The front doors swing in, and we’re greeted by a cavernous foyer with white marble floors and a single large round claw-foot table in the center. A vase taller than I am sits atop it and is filled to the brim with beautiful flowers in varying shades of blue and white. Five arched doorways line the back of the room, leading to God only knows where.
“Follow me,” Law instructs, heading toward the far-right hallway.
We walk through a long hall with deep maroon walls lined with gold frames and trinkets. It’s entirely too gaudy for my taste, but what do I know about this level of wealth? There are several closed doors and various arched doorways leading off the hall, but we continue forward at a pace that doesn’t allow for perusal.
Law’s calling out for Marina, but nobody comes. The place is eerily quiet, which does nothing to help my nerves. His voice takes on an edge, and I wonder whyhe’ssuddenly nervous.
“Everything all right?”
His eyes dart around, which only manages to put me more on edge. “Fine. I’m just anxious.”
“You’re anxious.” I huff out a breath. “I’m terrified.”
We approach two large wooden doors and Law spins to face me, the concern from moments ago gone. A large smile spreads across his face.
“Don’t be nervous. She’s going to be so happy, Mags.”
I smile up at him, but it’s forced. No matter how much conviction he has, I’m not so sure.
“This is the library. She’s likely here.” I take a step forward, and he holds a hand up to stop me. “Wait right here. I’ll be back.”
My eyes narrow and he shrugs, grinning like a lunatic.
Yep, he’s giddy. Apparently, he’s decided to turn this into some sort of unveiling, leaving me here in the eerie hallway alone while he sets the stage.