Page 26 of Blood that Burns
I wince at the thought of celebrating. It brings me back to the days of soirees and years as the life of the party. The last one I threw ended in a massacre. Half of my friends lost their lives because of it.
“I’m beyond relieved she’s alive, but I don’t feel like celebrating.”
She rolls her eyes. “Lawrence Bellamy, I’ve never known you to be someone to wallow when a party is in order. Maggie is alive. That’s something to celebrate.”
“You must’ve missed my last celebration.”
Katina grimaces. “You can’t keep blaming yourself for that, Law. That’s on Marcellus. Not you.”
“She claimshesaved her.”
Katina pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “That... doesn’t sound like the same man who killed one innocent girl and collared another.”
It’s the very reason I’m so torn. What am I to believe where Marc is concerned? What could his motives possibly be? Because I saw her. She looked better than I’d ever seen her look. Content. Healthy. Beautiful.
“And she was with him.” I choke out the words. “She could’ve been here the whole time. Safe... with her sister.” My eyes close to attempt to prevent Katina from seeing the pain I hide.
The thought of her being at Marcellus’s this whole time is a constant kick to the gut. When we got back here and I had time to think about that fact, joy was replaced with utter despair. Not only for Maggie and the time she lost, but for my brother. Bile sits at the back of my throat, and it takes all of my effort to keep pushing it down.
Without my realizing she moved, Katina kneels in front of me, worry etched in the crinkles at the corner of each of her green eyes. “Lawrence, what’s wrong? This is wonderful news. Why do you look sick?”
For reasons unknown, the words pour from me as I admit my concerns to Katina.
“What if I’m wrong about him? What if...”
“Stop,” she commands, placing one finger under my chin to lift my head. “Don’t try to make excuses for him when there are none. He might’ve taken care of Maggie, but he’s done plenty of awful things.”
I nod. It’s true, but that doesn’t prevent me from questioning everything.
“I also fear that I’ve driven a wedge between Maggie and Marina. I was so excited for their reunion that I didn’t consider how angry Marina would be.”
Katina frowns, nose and eyes scrunching in confusion.
“Why on earth would Marina be upset with you?”
“I didn’t search for her. Instead, I lived my life, and look what damage I’ve caused. Half my friends are dead, and Maggie’s been behind enemy lines.”
“Marina said herself that Maggie was dead. She thought she saw her ghost.”
I sigh. “If she doesn’t hate me for everything I’ve done, she’ll still be cross with Maggie. I admitted to her that Maggie knew me. That we... had known each other for years. She never told Marina, and the betrayal was clear.”
“You thought she died. Everyone did. Yet another thing you can’t blame yourself for. Stop holding the world on your shoulders, Lawrence.”
I take a deep breath, wishing it were that easy.
“I just hope their reunion wasn’t spoiled by it. Maggie needs her sister, and I fear Marina will be stubborn.”
Katina huffs. “Marina is quite difficult these days. But it’s only because she doesn’t know how to act.” She stands, dusting off her skirt. “For years, she’s had to pretend to be tough. Now that she doesn’t have to,she’s releasing a backload of emotional outbursts. We have to give them both time to acclimate to this new life.” She takes a breath, looking deep in contemplation. “Who would be normal after experiencing what those two girls have?”
My head shakes. “No human I know.”
She nods. “Give them time. Having one another is more important than holding a worthless grudge. They need each other more than ever. We can help them see that if it’s needed.”
“I’d like to believe they’re upstairs hugging it out already.”
She smiles. “Marina has to be over the moon to have her sister back. Of that, I’m sure. I know watching Maggie jump from that cliff has haunted her. Same as you, apparently.”