Page 30 of Blood that Burns
“It shouldn’t have been like that. Our plan would’ve worked if the Council hadn’t cornered me before Law arrived. I jumped to save you, Marina.”
The events of that day flash through my memory. and I hold my stomach to avoid being sick.
I’m standing at the edge of Widow’s Peak, waves lapping against the rocky shoreline more than forty feet below. Everyone knows that a leap from this spot isn’t survivable. The water is shallow and the rocks unforgiving.
I turn to see the creatures creeping in. To the right about one hundred yards is the jumping cliff. If I can just make it there, maybe I’ll stand a chance. Wishful thinking.
I’m going to die.
When I look back, movement from the opposite side catches my attention. Marina’s walking this way, and I swear my heart stops. She doesn’t realize the danger we’re both in. I want to yell out to her, but I can’t tip them off to her presence. She’s still hidden from their view by a row of fir trees. My own blood is likely covering her scent, as their focus is solely on me.
My mind is sifting through all the scenarios, and my panic is mounting by the second. A slow, cruel grin spreads across the oldest creature’s mouth. He likely smells my terror.
The three vampires stop their advance, heads snapping in the direction of the jumping cliff. What has their focus diverted, I’ll never know, because in that moment I make my decision. My life for Marina’s.
I love you.
I whisper the words, turn, and jump.
I don’t know if Marina sees how broken I am that she endured what she did, or if she’s just as tired of talking about it as I am, but her features soften.
“You couldn’t tell me your plans because it had to look real. I had to believe you were really dead in order for the vampires to buy it.”
I breathe for the first time in minutes. “Yes.”
The irony isn’t lost on me that I did exactly what Marcellus continues to do. Kept secrets for the benefit of my family. How did I not understand his position sooner?
A wide smile breaks out across my sister’s face, and I wonder what she’s thinking. I don’t have to wait long before she blurts out, “You like him.”
My first instinct is to say who, but I know exactly who she’s talking about. Law.
“You like him,” she says, grinning like a lunatic.
I want to rebuff those words, to shield my unrequited feelings, but a half truth comes out instead.
“Of course. He saved me in many ways.”
I gave the most unconvincing response ever and her frown is evidence that she isn’t buying a bit of it.
“Not like that, Maggie. You care for him. I can tell. You wouldn’t have blindly followed a man you didn’t have feelings for.”
I’m too exhausted to lie anymore.
I’m about to fess up when Law nearly falls into the room. How long has he been outside and why is he barging into my sister’s room? My curiosity is cut short by Marina’s immature shenanigans. Her brows waggle and I thank God she’s turned so that he can’t see her. I want to tell her to go to hell, but that might be a bit obvious. She turns back toward him, eyes now narrowed in on what he’s carrying.
“Um, what’s in the box?” Marina asks, but I tune her out.
My eyes are fixed on Law, who rocks back on his heels, looking shy and boyish... gorgeous. People’s names are called out and I mindlessly attempt to join the conversation, never really following what the heck they’re talking about. I’m transfixed on one person. He’s gone to a lot of trouble rounding up things that he thought Marina and I might like. Stuff to keep us occupied.
So many words left unsaid. So many questions left unanswered. Where do we stand? How do we move forward? But none of that matters right now.
I know I won’t have any answers tonight. No, he’s either doing the gentlemanly thing and giving me time with my sister... or he’s avoiding me, which wouldn’t be a surprise. Likely, it’s a bit of both.
“I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ll bring home pizza.”
He remembered our conversation in the car. I smile, hoping he knows how much his thoughtfulness means to me. And then he grins, and I swear to God, I almost melt on the spot.
I can’t even form coherent words to speak. Instead, I sit here like an idiot, smiling and daydreaming of another time. One when Law held me in his arms and made my earth tilt with a simple touch of his lips against mine.