Page 47 of Blood that Burns
No wonder he’s so messed up.
“Julian loves his brother. He knows he’s more. It drives him crazy that Law won’t show others his potential. They’re all a little screwed up from their upbringing. Julian isn’t exempt from that statement, Mags.”
I take several deep breaths to control my anger. It’s not fair that I’m taking out my frustration on Marina. She’s only repeating what she sees. Law doesn’t show his true self to anyone. In that, I’m the exception. It’s one thing that bonds us—our friendship.
“I’m sorry, Reen. Things are just... messy right now. I’m struggling.”
She offers a tight smile. “You can talk to me, Maggie. I’m here for you.”
Despite all the changes since we’ve been brought back together, I know nothing has changed in that regard. She’s still the girl I can trust with all—most—of my secrets. She’s my sister. My other half.
I nod. “I know. But it’s Law I need to speak to.”
She places her hand on top of mine. “Then go find him.”
I smile and pull her into a hug. “Thanks, Reen. I love you.”
“Love you too, Maggie Moo. Now go.”
I pull a face. “Only if you promise never to repeat that nickname again.”
We both break out into giggles, the heaviness of moments ago forgotten in our sisterly camaraderie.
I spring from the bed and head in search of Law. I make it two steps before a foreign voice calls from behind. “Marina. There you are.”
I turn around to find quite the character, standing with her fists perched atop her hips. The woman looks like she’s wearing a skunk on her head. If that wasn’t bizarre enough, she’s dressed like she’s headed to a funeral... or a circus. The long, formfitting black dress is something from another decade entirely. But it’s the blood-red splashes that almost look like dried blood that make it truly peculiar.
Her appearance gives off the Disney villain vibe and I have to stifle back a laugh. She hasn’t said anything, except for my sister’s name, but somehow, I know this conversation is going to be next level. Because there’s no way this woman—scratch that, vampire—isn’t as over the top as her apparel suggests.
And how do I know she’s a vampire? She’s smiling so wide, I see her elongated canines. Even knowing that, I’m not afraid. This has to be Katina.
My head shakes. “Not Marina. I’m Maggie.”
I step forward because she’s not giving off a threatening vibe. Her face pales, which is a feat, considering how lily white her complexion already is.
“Oh... hi... I didn’t realize—” she stutters, and I smile to put her at ease.
“No worries. We haven’t met, but I’m guessing you’re Katina?”
She nods excessively.
“Marina’s in her room, if you’re looking for her,” I offer, since she’s just standing here gawking at me.
She clears her throat, popping her hip out and examining her fingernails.
“I was actually coming to find you. Lawrence asked me to escort you to the kitchen. Sir Crown”—she clears her throat once more—“I mean, Julian requested to meet Marina alone... if you catch my meaning.” Her eyebrows raise to a peak before they slip into suggestive waggling.
I snort. “Noted. I’ll be avoiding that room for some time.”
“Yes, well... if history is any indicator, you may want to vacate the hall entirely.”
My eyes widen. “The hall? I choke out. “They actually do it in the hallway?”
She purses her lips. “No, dear. They aren’t exhibitionist.” She taps her chin. “At least not to my knowledge.”
“I’ll take your word on that,” I chuckle. “So why am I vacating the hall?”
Her cheeks redden, which seems at odds with the overly flamboyant woman in front of me. “They’re rather”—she averts her eyes—“loud.”