Page 57 of Blood that Burns
Something is watching me.
A man steps out from behind a nearby tree. Long blond hair falls around a pale face and bloodshot eyes. Not a man—vampire.
He stalks toward me, not seeming to care at all that we’re surrounded by humans. Do I stand here and take the chance that being in public won’t save me and could cause additional casualties? Or do I lead the vampire out of town and away from all the unsuspecting, innocent people?
In an effort to avoid widespread hysteria, I take off toward the outskirts of town, glancing over my shoulder occasionally. The vampire keeps his distance but doesn’t halt his approach.
But that’s not what has my hands shaking and legs wobbly. Two additional vampires have joined him. The two newcomers are older. They look fiercer.
Law, where are you?
He’s supposed to be here. We’re supposed to be escaping.
Panic rises and I pump my arms faster. My feet slam against the dirt and stones and I wish I’d worn something other than these pathetic sandals.
It’s been some time since I shared my blood with Law. The likelihood that he can still hear my thoughts isn’t high. But I try anyway, sending my SOS down that bond, hoping like hell it works. I need him.
Before I realize where I’ve gone, I’m standing at the edge of Widow’s Peak.
“No. Please...”
“Sunshine, wake up.”
Strong hands grip my arm, and a scream pushes past my lips.
“Maggie. Wake. Up!”
My body jolts upright as my eyes swim with unshed tears. My head swivels to get my bearings. I’m back in Law’s room at the Bellamy castle. I’d come back here to wait for Law, and I must’ve fallen asleep.
Law is crouched down, eyes roaming over my face. His concern is palpable. “Maggie, talk to me. Are you all right?” As I struggle to get my breathing under control, he pulls me in to his chest, running his hands down my hair. “You’re okay. I’m here. It was just a dream.”
It was a nightmare.
The same one I’ve had nearly every night since the day I jumped. It’s a recount of the events that led to my actions. That day will forever hang over me like a dark cloud, intent on destruction. But it can only pull me under if I let it... and I refuse.
I work on my breathing, and when I’m finally under control, I look up into Law’s devastated—and devastatingly gorgeous—blue eyes.
“It’s my fault,” he says absently.
Sighing, I place my hand on his chest. “We’ve rehashed this too many times, Law. It’s enough. I don’t blame you, so you don’t get to blame yourself.”
His eyes close and his face pinches up as though he’s in pain. “But I can’t stop, Maggie. Don’t you understand that? This bond... it makes it all the worse.”
That’s a part of this connection I despise. It’s a window directly into Law’s inner thoughts, and it’s suffocating when he’s like this. Even when we haven’t shared blood recently, I still feel it. The blood share will only make it worse.
Can I handle that?
Going into the auction is dangerous enough, let alone doing it without a clear head. Surely, that’s a factor Reese hadn’t taken into consideration. Because why would she? I need to get this all out so that we can come up with a solid plan. We’re running out of time.
“Law, listen. I need you to hear what I’m about to say. It’s important... life or death even.”
His brows pinch.