Page 66 of Blood that Burns
I’m pacing between tables in the library, trying to help Marina concoct a plan on how to (1) get Julian to drink from her and (2) get him on board with us going to the auction.
“Maggie, are you sure you don’t want to talk about what happened between you and Law?” Her concern should make me happy, but it only pisses me off.
“No. I’m fine. He did what Law does and I’m not going to harp on it. We have more important things to worry about.”
Her brows crease and her lips pucker as though she’s got more to say, but ultimately, she drops it.
“Seduce him,” I suggest.
“That’s not going to work. He won’t want to drink from me, because he won’t want me inside his head and worried. I can hear him now... ‘I don’t need you getting concerned and doing something stupid.’” She mocks his voice, but it comes out all wrong. I snort.
“Since when is Julian Australian?”
Her nose scrunches. “What?”
“Never mind,” I say, shaking my head at my sister. “Back to seduction.”
“Like I said... won’t work.”
“Worked for me.” I shrug.
“It’s different with you and Law.”
Something about her words fuels my anger. The way she said it was almost like my relationship with Law is meaningless compared to hers. I swing around.
“What does that mean?”
Her hands fly up. “Whoa... simmer down, Mags. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Yes, you did. So out with it, Marina.”
Between her shaking shoulders and her flustered clucking, she looks more like a distressed chicken then a twenty-one-year-old woman. “I just meant that Julian is very protective. Law is more laid back and willing to listen to you.”
I scoff. “Sounds like you need to get your man in check.”
She crosses her arms over her chest, looking cross. “He just cares, Maggie.”
“And Law doesn’t?”
She sighs. “Can we start this conversation over? You’re misunderstanding what I’m trying to say because you’re upset and unwilling to talk about it.”
My shoulders deflate and guilt seeps in. She’s right. I am taking my anger out on her.
I take a seat next to her on the sofa in the library. We’re in exactly the wrong place to be having this discussion, considering Julian could come looking for her at any moment.
“Should we take this to your room?”
She shakes her head. “We’re fine. Julian is preoccupied with last-minute details.”
“What about the staff? Katina?”
“Katina’s been MIA for hours, and the staff... they were sent away days ago. How have you not noticed that?”
I shrug, grabbing the charcoal waffle blanket from the back of the sofa and laying it across my lap. “I’ve been a tad preoccupied. And plus, I basically see three rooms of this place.”