Page 72 of Blood that Burns
I return the squeeze. “It has to happen. The first step in saving humanity is weakening the Council, and this will do that.”
She nods.
Neither of us says another word, because we need to stay calm. Thinking about what lies ahead will only cause our thoughts to go south, and we can’t allow that. Not when we’re this close.
“You look beautiful.”
Law’s words would typically have me preening, but I’m too nervous to dissect that statement. It’s the first I’m seeing him since our last encounter went to shit, and I can’t even have anxiety about that, because I’m too keyed up about where we’re headed.
“Katina performs miracles.”
“Katina has nothing to do with it. You’re breathtaking every day, but tonight, you just...” He shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
“Thank you.” The words come out feeble as I try to hold myself together.
I’m seated next to him in a black unmarked car, courtesy of the Crown, being driven to what could possibly be my death, and now he decides to wax poetic?
“I’m not waxing poetic,” he argues. “I’m just... telling you the truth.”
I sigh, frustration growing that I’ve still not learned how to block him out of my thoughts.
“I’m not listening in on purpose.” His head is lowered as he plays with his fingers. “I can show you how to lock down your thoughts.”
His head raises and our eyes meet. “I’d appreciate that.” He nods. “Why didn’t you wake me?” The words are out before I can think better of it. “Why did you allow our last night before coming here to be the way it was?”
“You were sleeping. I thought that was more important.”
His note had said that too, but I’m not buying it. He was avoiding me.
A breath rushes from his chest. “Why are you doing this, Mags? I don’t want to fight before going into this battle.”
“Why am I doing this?” I seethe. “Since I’ve gotten back, you’ve been more distant than usual. I thought you’d be happy to have me back.” I can’t help the hurt seeping through. “I thought things would be different.”
He turns to me, eyes wide, grabbing my hands in his. “You have no idea how relieved I am that you’re okay. It killed me when you jumped. I... lost myself for a time afterward.”
I want to press to learn what that means, but he continues. “Between your jump and all the stuff with my father, I spiraled.”
“I’m sorry.” I stress the words because my role in his spiral hits me square in the chest.
I was alive and safe... and I never once thought to make sure he knew.
Sure, a lot of that was based on Marcellus’s suggestion. The fewer people who knew, the more likely we could pull it off and keep my family safe. But a larger part of me hadn’t even considered what my disappearance would do to him.
I’d been so caught up in my unreciprocated feelings that I hadn’t considered that we were friends, and my absence would hurt him.
“I don’t want your apology. You did what was best for you and Marina. Marc was right about that. I... just wanted you to know that I missed you. Every. Damn. Day.”
My breath hitches at the intensity with which he says those three words. The way his eyes hold mine captive. Entranced.
I’m not sure what exactly happens next, but a montage of moments in vivid color assault my mind and the oxygen is sucked from my chest.
It’s Law.
Crying. Screaming. Throwing things.
But it quickly shifts to him entangled with various women. Lots of different women. Their moans of pleasure assault my senses and I buckle over, crying out and watching in horror as he slams into them, filling them completely.