Page 86 of Blood that Burns
The minutes tick by as I silently sit, slouched in the wing-back chair, head tilted towards the sky, inspecting the elaborate, coffered ceilings. I wonder how many people Julian employs to keep the place spotless. The mindless wonderings help to stave off the boredom.
Every room in this museum is impeccably tidy—albeit gaudy as hell. This room takes the cake. Having been Law’s father’s study, it should be no surprise. He was the quintessential king. Pompous and showy. When you’re the first of your kind, I guess you can be over the top.
He was a monster.
Law killed him.
There’s so much to unpack in that truth, and I haven’t had the chance to even go there with him. I always got the sense that his father was particularly cruel to him, but Law never elaborated beyond the fact that he was the third born, not good enough to be seen nor heard. It took a toll on him. He believed the things his father said, so he leaned into them, becoming the playboy, a jokester who didn’t take anything seriously.
It was all an act. Law is so much more than that, even if he can’t see it himself.
I search the room until my eyes land on him. Blond hair swept back off his face, but one stray lock falls across his eyes. He looks tired. We all are.
Voices drone on and on about all the issues within the vampire monarchy. I blink, trying to stay awake. There’s no doubt I should be riveted to every word, considering this is the stuff of legends and I’m privy to it despite the disapproval of several Council members. Yet I don’t care to hear it. I’m in a room surrounded by vampires, discussing the fate of the world. No matter how much I should be invested in the conversation playing out in front of me, I find myself disconnected.
It’s the same conversation I’ve sat in on for days, and they’re no further in deciding the realignment of the broken Council. The vampires in the room speak over each other and repeat the same tired concerns. All talk. No action. Barely a plan.
Marina and I should be working to figure out how to get to Molly, not concerning ourselves with issues we know little about. Our sister is out there, with creatures potentially far worse than those in this room. And we’re just sitting here allowing her to stay stuck in that world.
We have to do something.
Julian raises his hand to quiet the room. “With the banishment and upcoming execution of Count Byron, I move to swear in Lawrence Bellamy in his place.”
“You can’t do that. Your family already has a seat,” Count Alabaster reasons, gaining a few nods of solidarity with his complaint.
“Ivan, last I checked, I’m the Crown. It was well within my right to dismiss all of you upon my father’s death in favor of a new council.” He looks around the room, meeting each of the elder vampires’ eyes. “Should I proceed with that?”
“Well... no,” Count Alabaster blusters. “It’s just that this is highly unusual.”
“This entire upheaval is because members of this council sought to overthrow my rule. Members of this council are currently aiding in the creation of rabid vampires. Until I know who in this room is working against me, I’ll slowly dismantle this council piece by piece. Be warned, I will uncover each traitor.”
Count Alabaster sits back, red-faced.
I’m surprised Julian allowed them access to Bellamy Manor after Count Byron’s treachery. Regardless of Byron, Dupré and Marcellus insist that no other members of the Council were privy to the knowledge of the Familiar legends.
Byron had supposedly stumbled upon it by pure dumb luck and the former Crown’s misstep of leaving his journal out during a brief visit together. When the Crown stepped away to call for refreshments, Byron snooped and landed on a gold mine.
“As I was saying, Lawrence will replace Byron, and I move to swear in Adèle Dupré in place of her father.”
There are murmurs, but not a single vampire argues against the move.
“Good. Then it’s done.”
“Julian,” Count Westoff speaks up, “what is the plan now that the auction has fallen? All twelve girls from this auction are home with their families and seeking therapy. But what do we do about another spot popping up?”
“I leave that in the hands of each of you. If an auction is to begin, it’ll be within one of your territories.” His head swivels around the room. From my current seat, I can’t see his expression, but based on the reaction of some of the council members, it must be a severe look. “Make sure that doesn’t happen, or you’ll find yourself in the cell next to Marcellus... or worse, your burned corpse will be thrown in an unmarked grave with Byron.”
“What about the girls from auctions past?” Marina speaks up, and several council members swing around to get a good look at her.
We’re still looking for answers about the blood bond. So far, the changes have been minimal. She’s strong and fast and her senses are heightened, but beyond that and the ability to communicate with Julian telepathically, nothing else has popped up.