Page 93 of Blood that Burns
We share a brief look while Julian heads toward the stairs.
“I’m heading up to find Marina. I’m beat.” He takes a couple more steps and calls out, “Coming?”
“We’ll be right behind you. I have a couple more things to say to Marc,” Law says.
Julian waves a hand over his head and ascends the stairs, leaving us alone with Marcellus.
None of us say a word, giving time to ensure Julian is out of earshot.
“Why didn’t you tell him?” Law asks.
“Which part?” Marcellus exhales. He sounds just as exhausted as Julian did.
“The demon? How Byron was working with a witch?”
“Why haven’t you told him about that?” Marc rebuts.
I’m wondering the same thing. Why hasn’t Law told anyone but me?
“I don’t want that information getting out to the Council. Right now, they’re all rallying behind Julian, but what if they learned that there are darker, more powerful beings involving themselves?”
“They might defect and take up Byron’s deserted cause.”
Law nods. “I need to uncover the demon’s and witch’s identities and motives.” His gaze goes back to Marcellus. “Care to help with that?”
“I don’t know anything about the identity of the demon or the witch. As far as I can tell, nobody but Byron does. It was something he was keeping close to him.”
“He wouldn’t want anyone else to attempt to entice their loyalties a different way,” Law muses, and Marcellus grunts.
“Why would they?”
“Demons and witches are fickle creatures. They’re loyal only to their kind—well... witches are at least. Demons will step over anyone and anything to rise to the top.”
“This whole world is jacked,” I say, mostly to myself, but Marcellus snorts.
“That’s a colossal understatement.”
“Is there anything you can think of that might help?”
Marcellus appears to ponder this. His eyes widen and hand raises, one finger up. “Every time Byron spoke about the demon, it was on the heels of a trip he’d taken. To New Orleans.”
“The archangels,” I say, just above a whisper. “Do you think they’re around because a demon is slinking through the city?”
“Archangels?” Marcellus asks, looking between Law and me.
“Vzar got some information that something very big is happening in NOLA. Something big enough to draw the attention of hunters and archangels.”
“That’s your answer then. The demon you seek is in New Orleans.”
“I think it’s time you tell Julian,” I say, wondering how much damage is being done with a demon running loose.
Law nods. “Tomorrow. He was damn near ready to fall over.”
“We should get something to eat and head to bed too,” I say, walking toward the stairs. “Thank you, Marcellus. For everything you did for me and those girls.” He offers a small smile. “I will do my part in helping you go free.”
“Time to go,” Law says wearily.
We’re just at the bottom of the stairs when Marcellus calls out. “Aren’t you going to ask why I didn’t tell him about you?”