Page 37 of Tempted By Fire
He drops my wrist, and the glamour falls away. “Until that changes, I’m going to teach you to protect yourself against vampires to the best of your ability.”
I scowl and mutter, “I know what you can teach me next.”
His eyes glimmer with a hint of amusement. “There is no way to resist glamour.”
“Could be fun to try, though,” Lex says, strutting into the room with a grin. He walks over to us and throws his arm around my shoulders, eyeing the dagger in my hand. “Oooh, pointy.”
I roll my eyes and return it to the sheath. “What are you up to?” I ask suspiciously, shrugging him off me.
Lex pouts. “I’m bored, so I thought I’d come see what the two of you were up to.”
“I’m learning how to kick your ass,” I say, unable to help the grin spreading across my lips. It feels good to be taking control again—at least where I can.
He glances toward Atlas, who shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. “Interesting.”
“Are you done?” Atlas asks. “You’re interrupting. So if you’re not going to help, get out.”
Lex keeps his eyes on me, pressing his lips together against a smile. “Okay, okay.” I think he’s going to leave, but instead he says, “I’ll help. Where do you want me?”
I arch a brow at him, then turn my quizzical expression to my trainer. “Seriously? I can’t beat you yet, and you think adding a second vampire is going to help?”
He shrugs. “Adifferentvampire. Fight him for a few minutes so I can watch your technique from an outside perspective.”
“I… All right, fine.” I go to toss the dagger onto the floor, but Atlas moves too fast for me to track, catching it and shaking his head.
“You’re never to take this off. Understand?” I nod, and he kneels before me, wrapping the guard around my thigh. My breath catches as his fingers brush my thigh, and I flush at how close he is to the increasing heat between my legs. I want to close my eyes and let the floor swallow me whole, because he can definitely sense how much this is turning me on.
Once the dagger is secured, he stands and meets my gaze, offering a dark smirk before turning his attention to Lex.
Fuck me.
Lex claps his hands together, and I take a step away from Atlas, sighing as I turn to face my new opponent.
“Keep your stance balanced,” Atlas instructs from the sidelines, his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze focused on us. There’s a dark determination in his eyes, but something else as well. Something that has heat swirling in my stomach at the intensity of it.
I manage to pull myself out of it and turn my attention fully to Lex as he circles me slowly, his eyes gleaming.
I’m glad one of us is enjoying this…
“What’s your move?” Lex taunts, bouncing from one foot to the other.
I jump back when he jabs forward with his arm, his hand outstretched and reaching for me. “My move? To attack the guy who enjoys pain?” I offer a blunt laugh and dodge his second attempt at grabbing me. “You’ll probably get a hard-on if I stab you.”
He nods enthusiastically. “And then you’ll be the one getting stabbed,” he shoots back with a wink.
I blink at him. “Oh, Lex. It’s a damn good thing you’re freakishly attractive, because you sure as hell aren’t funny.”
Lex moves in a blur, and I don’t have a chance to whirl around before he has an arm around my waist, hauling my back against his chest.
I scowl. “How am I supposed to beat someone I can’t fucking see move?”
He leans in and nips my neck playfully, and I shove him away with another scowl. Of course, he lets me do it, otherwise his arm would still be locked around my waist.
Atlas rubs his jaw, glancing between us. “You need to anticipate the movement before it happens. You won’t be able to move at the same speed as a vampire, so you need to learn to move first.”
“Are you kidding me?”