Page 57 of Bound In Crimson
Shit. I quickly wipe my hands on my leggings. “I’m fine,” I assure him.Physically, at least, I fight the urge to add.
“Go take a shower,” Atlas says in a low voice from beside me. “All any of us can smell is your blood.”
My throat goes dry, and I flick a subtle glance between Lex and Gabriel. “Sorry,” I mumble.
Lex’s responding laugh is a deep, rich sound that booms through the room. “You don’t need to apologize for bleeding, you silly little human. We are capable of controlling ourselves.”
“Speak for yourself,” Kade says, walking into the room. His silver eyes are dark with hunger and something else, and I shift away from him.
I swallow hard. “Tell me what’s going on, then I’ll take a damn shower.”
Lex seems highly amused by my ultimatum, still smirking as he perches on the arm of the couch. Gabriel stands next to him and sighs, shifting his attention to Atlas.
“We can talk about it later,” Atlas says.
“Bullshit,” I snap. I’m not leaving this room until I getsomething.
His brows lift, and he crosses his arms over his chest. Thick cords of vein pop when he flexes his arms, and I hate that I notice that before forcing myself to look back at his face. Which, let’s face it, is just as nice to look at.Fuck me.
“Calla—” Gabriel starts.
“No,” I cut him off in a sharp tone. “I’m not going anywhere until you…” My voice trails off as I catch movement out of my peripheral.
Kade walks toward me at a normal pace, and my brows pinch together as he gets closer. I retreat a step, only to have my back collide with Atlas’s chest.
Kade smirks. “You’re getting in the shower whether you like it or not. I’ll throw you over my shoulder if you don’t care to walk there yourself.”
Atlas gives me a push toward Kade, and in the time it takes me to blink, he has me over his shoulder.
“What the fuck,” I holler. “Let me down!”
He slaps my ass, and I yelp in surprise. Beating my fists into his back as he walks through the house to the bathroom connected to the room I’ve been sleeping in, my breathing quickly becomes labored.
“You need to settle down,” he says, his voice filled with amusement. The motherfucker is enjoying this.
I try kicking him, but it does nothing. “Kade, I swear to god, if you don’t—”
He sets me on the marble floor, but before I can move, he pins me to the wall beside the doorway, his fingers wrapped around my throat, firm but not so tight I can’t breathe. “Keep talking,” he warns, flashing his fangs, “and I’ll fuck you against this wall until you can’t speak.”
All the words in my vocabulary are suddenly gone. I stare at him, my heart pounding against my chest so hard I can feel it in my ears. Heat rises in my cheeks and pools low in my belly.
Kade’s lips curl into a slow smirk. “Though that might be exactly what you want.” He tilts his head, looking into my eyes. “Is that what you want, Calla?”
My lips part, but I don’t speak—I can’t. Instead, I shake my head.I’m a fucking liar.
He leans in, taking up my entire world. “Deny it all you want.” His nose grazes mine, and he braces his free hand on the wall beside my head. “Your body won’t lie about what it craves.”
Kade’s lips crash down on mine, and I moan into his mouth, succumbing to everything I hate.
Kade lifts me, and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist as we move toward the shower. His lips are soft against mine, and he kisses me slowly, coaxing my mouth open so he can slide his tongue in and graze mine. He manages to turn on the shower without breaking the kiss or dropping me, and the bathroom fills with steam as we lose ourselves in each other.
I pull back enough to take a breath and say, “I don’t know about you, but I don’t usually shower clothed.”
He smirks, leaning back in to place a chaste kiss against my mouth. “No?” He sets me down and tugs his shirt off over his head in a quick motion, dropping it in a pile on the floor. Not a minute later, his bottoms join it, leaving him completely bared to me.