Page 16 of Unraveled by Desire
He shrugs, downing half the glass. “You know, Calla, being a vampire isn’t the worst thing in the world. It does have its perks.”
“True,” Lex agrees. “The speed and strength are quite convenient in many instances.”
Kade nods along, then adds, “You can experience and explore anywhere you want—you literally have all the time in the world.”
Gabriel gives my hand a squeeze, turning my attention to him. “The heightened senses are my favorite part. They are overwhelming to begin with, but once you get used to them… you’ll see the world in a completely different way. It’s quite beautiful.”
Atlas walks over, glancing between us, but adds nothing to the conversation before picking a seat on the opposite side of the aisle and pulling out his phone.
We take off a few minutes later and fall into a comfortable silence. I play over the guys’ answers in my head, considering what my life could be if I choose eternity. The idea of leveling the playing field with the guys is definitely a pro, but having to drink blood to survive? The thought makes my stomach churn.
“You’re thinking about the blood, aren’t you?”
My eyes swing to Kade. “Um, yeah.”
“When I was human, I was the most squeamish person you could imagine. I mean, pass-out-looking-at-a-needle squeamish. The sight of blood made me sick to my stomach… until I turned. It’s like a switch is flipped and your body recognizes it’s required to live.”
“And you don’t need to bite people to get blood,” Gabriel says, still moving his thumb back and forth along my hand. “The first time, you’d need to feed from the vein to complete the transition, but after that, you can drink blood bags if that’s what you want.”
“I see you as a B-positive vamp,” Lex says with a grin.
I wrinkle my nose at that.
“All vampires have their preference,” Gabriel continues, “but blood is blood.”
I nod along, considering I don't have any room or experience to argue his words, and Gabriel shoots me a reassuring smile. It’s a lot to consider, but hearing from Gabriel, Lex, and Kade about their own transition experiences is enlightening.
“Aren’t you even a little bit curious?” Kade inquires.
I want to say no, but there’s a part of me that is curious despite the fear surrounding that option and denying it won’t do me any good, so I shrug. “I guess. Considering it seems to be the only alternative to forgetting nearly everything from the past two months.”
“It's not something you have to think about right now. One thing at a time.” He gives my hand one more squeeze before standing. He walks to the front of the plane and pulls a drink out of the mini-fridge, then grabs a second and walks over to sit with Atlas.
Before I can close my eyes and even attempt to fall asleep, Lex drops into the seat Gabriel vacated and twirls a strand of my hair around his finger.
“What do you want?” I grumble, tiredness clinging to me like a weighted blanket.
He pouts. “I’m bored.”
“You’re bored?” I echo. “Why exactly is that my problem? I’m not the only one on this plane.”
“Yeah, but you’re my favorite to play with.” He leans in until his lips graze my ear. “And I’m pretty sure you enjoy it too.”
I turn my face to look at him and catch Kade watching us with an expression that catches my breath. His eyes are devouring me as if I’m completely naked, and heat rushes to my cheeks in response.
Before I can register what’s happening, Lex pulls me into his lap so I’m straddling him, and Kade moves at an untrackable speed, taking my seat.
“Fuck,” I mutter, grabbing Lex’s shoulders to steady myself so I don’t fall against his chest. “A brief warning next time wouldn’t kill you.”
“It’d ruin the fun, though,” Kade says, moving the hair away from my neck and brushing his lips against the delicate skin there.
Lex grips my hips, pressing down, and I gasp as his erection teases the heat between my legs. He chuckles in response, leaning in until his nose grazes my cheek. “You like that?” he murmurs, tightening his grip.
“Hmm.” I bite my lip, closing my eyes as Kade continues kissing and sucking my neck. He alternates between using his teeth and tongue against my skin, shooting heat straight to my core as I grind against Lex, grinning when his breath catches.
“Are you going to come like this?” he purrs. “Grinding yourself against my cock?”
I open my eyes and lick my lips, rolling my hips as his fingers dig into my skin. I probably could bring myself to orgasm this way, but it would be a hell of a lot more enjoyable without clothing in the way. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”