Page 26 of Unraveled by Desire
“Thank you,” I say in a voice close to a whisper.
“Thankyou,” he echoes, tying a towel around his waist.
Once we’re dressed, we return to the living room, where the others are sitting around the coffee table. There’s a hockey game playing on the TV on the wall, but no one seems to be paying much attention to it.
I drop onto the couch next to Kade and yawn, leaning against the armrest and letting my eyes close.
“Hey,” Kade says, touching my arm. “You need to eat something before you go to sleep.”
I pry my eyes open and sit up, shaking my head at him. “Not hungry.” Honestly, even if I wasn’t so tired, the thought of eating makes my stomach churn.
Surprisingly, they don’t push it, though the look on Atlas’s face makes me think he’s considering it.
I close my eyes again… until Kade touches my arm—again. “What?” I grumble.
“Come on,” he says, and the couch shifts slightly when he stands. “I’m taking you to bed.”
Parts of me like the sound of that despite the exhaustion clinging to my muscles, and before I can respond or even attempt to open my eyes again, Kade picks me up bridal-style and walks to the bedroom, laying me down on the bed and pulling the heavy duvet over me.
I grab his arm before he can move away. “Stay with me.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he assures, sliding into the bed next to me.
I curl into his chest, resting my cheek over his heart, and drift off to the steady sound of Kade’s breathing.
The following morning, Calla and I take the elevator down to the parking garage and head out to have breakfast with Tessa before she returns to Oregon. I don’t trust the witch completely, but Calla has taken to her, and quite frankly, if it keeps her away from Brighton Ellis, I much prefer it. At least the witches aren’t trying to wipe us out—at the moment. Having confirmation from Gabriel that the girl checks out also makes me feel better about Calla associating with her. I’ve only heard good things about the academy she’s from, so I don’t have any reason to keep Calla from spending time with her.
“Do you remember the last time I took you to meet a friend and you decided to do something stupid? Let’s not have that happen again.”
Calla scowls at me. “I seem to recall something else about that time.” She folds her legs under her, staring out the windshield when I look over at her. “Something to do with a tree… Hell, I’m pretty sure I still have marks on my back.”
My cock twitches, and I grip the wheel tighter, remembering vividly how good Calla felt as I took her against that tree. “Careful,” I warn in a low voice.
“Or what? You’ll pull over and do it again?” she taunts.
I turn my gaze to her, arching a brow as I pin her with a heavy stare I know will warm her insides. “Want to make it to breakfast?”
She presses her lips together, her pulse thumping beneath her skin.
A faint growl echoes in my throat, and I turn my eyes back to the road. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what, Atlas?”
My nostrils flare. I can fucking smell her arousal, and it has effectively roused the monster in me. “Like you’re considering missing breakfast so I can make you come.”
“Hmm, what an interesting story you’ve created for yourself.” Her voice is soft and mockingly sweet.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” I tell her, flicking a glance to the GPS built into the dash. We’re only ten minutes away from the diner, and I could do so much to her in that time.
“I’m not playing a game.” She stretches her legs out, and the moment she squeezes her thighs together, I nearly lose control and pull the damn car over. Instead, I offer a low chuckle, pulling one hand off the steering wheel and gripping her thigh over her skirt. She sucks in a breath, her heart racing in her chest.
“No?” I check, sliding my fingers from the top of her thigh to the inside, reveling in the warmth there. It wouldn’t take much for me to push her skirt up and slide my hand into her panties, but if she wants to play this game, I’m going to show her what she’s up against.
“Nuh-uh,” she says in a breathy voice, staring pointedly out the passenger window as her hands grip the seat on either side of her.