Page 14 of Dirty Saint
Chapter 9
After a crazy week, I spend Friday night alone in my room. I drink a lot of wine, take a long soaking bath, and check what streaming movie choices I'm in the mood to watch. I settle onDangerous Liaisonsbecause I always loved that movie. I roll my eyes when I get texts from both Ares and Gavin. The first from Ares demanding I come to him at the clubhouse. I ignore it because he can just fuck off with his mandate. I decide to confirm Gavin's suggestion to meet up at Brew Perks, one of the local coffee shops in town. I know I'd always care for Gavin in that abstract way you did when you used to love someone, but the feeling has faded.
I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I wanted to get the obligation over with and move on. I had no intention of resurrecting a relationship. I hoped Gavin felt the same and merely wanted to catch up as he said. I have to admit I was a little surprised about his affiliation with the Havoc Ryders. If even half the rumors were true, then they blurred the line on what was lawful and not. Not that I necessarily judged him for that choice. He was grown and could do what he liked. The Grim Saints, and Ares, were not an entity I wanted to consider at all. My experience with Ares was at the forefront of my mind, and I still got wet thinking about how good the sex was. Still, it wasn't a guilty pleasure I could allow myself to indulge. I knew my heart could get tangled pretty damn quick, and Jamison Walker was not a man to get intertwined with unless you wanted to risk your sanity. I wake up realizing I left the tv on all night. My head is a little woozy as I sit up to look at the clock. It's 3 am, and my mouth tastes like dry cotton. I get up to brush my teeth and notice my phone on the charger is showing a new text message:
Ares:not smart sweetbutt.
Whatever, Jamison Walker! Who cares if I remember my dream where I was hugging his muscular frame while we rode on his bike? Ares twisted the throttle, and the combination of his distinctive male scent and riding behind him had me soaking my panties.
Get a grip, Willow!
The day is sunny and cool but comfortable, so Gavin and I decide to take our drinks out to the patio seating area.
"You look damn good today, Willow," Gavin flirts.
Before I respond, I inwardly cringe because my head is pounding. I'm too hungover to give him shit about his shameless flirting, so I ignore it and say, "So, you're in the Havoc Ryders? I have to say I'm surprised."
"Yes, well, it's not as bad as you've probably heard. We're a brotherhood, a family," Gavin stresses.
"I wasn't judgmental. I just wonder why the Havoc Ryders when your home town has The Grim Saints.
Couldn't you have pledged to them?" I figure I have nothing to lose by asking.
Gavin rolls his eyes, and his leg starts bouncing as he takes out his lighter and starts playing with it. I know he always had issues with ADHD, so I don't think much of his actions.
His voice is cold when he says, "Jamison Walker is a fucking douchebag. I'd never prospect with a club he was part of."
"I see," yet I didn’t see at all. I don't remember Gavin or Jamison orbiting the same space in high school. I know I sure didn't.
"Look, I heard about your sister and her baby, but take it from me, you'll want to steer clear of those assholes," Gavin stares at me intently.
Too late, I almost say aloud, but think better of it.
"Do you still live in Juniper?" I change tactics.
"Nah, I moved to Holly Springs a couple of years ago. I come back to town to spend time with Charlie and see my sister a couple of times a month. She's a single mom now, so I try to help out when I can."
"Oh, I didn't know," I say with a frown.
"Well, you can make up for it, come to dinner with me at my sister's place," Gavin gives me a wide smile. He always had the most charming smile, which lights up his beautiful green eyes.
I'm about to answer, but I hear the loud revving of motorcycle pipes; when I look toward the street, I see Jamison on the other side sending daggers our way. Fuck my life!
"What is that asshole doing?" Gavin asks and stands.
"Wait!" I exclaimed, getting up from the table and grabbing Gavin's elbow. "Please don't go over there. He probably wants to talk to me about child support. You said you knew about my sister having Aaron Walker's baby.
Gavin gives me a scathing look, "you talk to The Grim Saints?"
"A little," I say quietly.
Gavin grabs his coffee cup and sunglasses off the table, "look because it's you; I'm going to leave now. I've got club business. But I want you to remember two things."
"What?" A sense of dread rolls up my spine.