Page 21 of Dangerous Liaisons
Chapter 18
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I scream.
“Calm down, Leilani,” Bane says without flinching. He’s used to my temper.
“Where did you take him?” I ask, my voice still raised in frustration.
“It's not your concern. You're lucky I love you, or you'd be on the other end of the Kalama wrath,” Bane says, there’s nothing but disgust on his face.
I storm out of his office and head to my room. Before I entered his space, I'd pocketed Simon's phone that was lying on a chair with some other stuff they'd taken from him. When we were coming out of the airport, we were ambushed. I screamed the whole ride home. The Kalama soldier in the car couldn't get me out of it fast enough. When I saw Bane, I went off, fuming that they took Simon to who knows where? Kayl didn't know it yet, but he was going to tell me. I'd be damned if my famiglia was going to kill the man I love. Shit! I can't believe I love him. I never really gave much thought to finding love.
When I'm in my room, I find my duffle bag from the trip. Opening up my closet doors, I rummage through the back and pull out my backpack, and immediately start looking around my room. My Elvis records are too cumbersome to carry, so I'll work on getting digital copies later. I grab my camera and the picture of my parents on my bookshelf. When I'm done, I open my duffle bag and drop its contents on the floor. I grab my toiletry case and begin rifling through drawers to get some panties, a bra and a pair of jeans, and a T-shirt. I need to travel light. After that, I go back into my closet and wedge the wood plank up in the back corner. I have ten thousand in cash, which will have to do for now. I was leaving this house until my famiglia decided to be fair about my decision to be with Simon. I knew Kayl, and maybe even Bane could be persuaded to come around in time, but Mano was probably a lost cause. But I still had hope that my brother could see reason.
As I make my way down the back stairs, I hear rustling in the kitchen. When I look around the door frame, I see our cook, Mrs. Kekoa, stirring a pot on the stove. I'd love to go over to her and talk like I've always done when I had something bothering me, but I don't have the luxury of time right now.
I continue down the hallway to the back door. When I open it enough to peer out both ways, I make my move as soon as I'm sure there is no guard detail nearby. I have no idea when that will change, so I run straight for the back path that leads me down to the beach. I plan to take our old boat docked at the small pier. I'll go to Simon's cottage where my jeep should still be parked; our trip is feeling a million miles away now.
My luck holds, and I'm able to untie the rope and start the engine without an issue. When I look back at our property, I feel a pang of regret come over me. I don't let it stop me as I drive out into the open ocean.
Once I'm far enough away, I put the boat on autopilot and get out Simon's phone. I find Alec's contact number and dial.
The phone rings twice before I hear a gruffly accented voice say, “Where are you, mate?”
“Alec, it's Leilani. I need your help,” I say in a rush.
“What's going on?” Alec doesn't miss a beat.
“My brothers have Simon. I'm going to find out where they've taken him, but he can't stay on the islands.” I feel breathless.
“I'm going to text you an address. Meet me there in an hour,” Alec directs as he hangs up.
A minute later, I see an address on the messages. I take the boat off autopilot and head down the coast.
“Simon is not going to leave without dealing with his father first?” Alec says as he loads the Ruger.
“Even if it means he's dead if he waits?” I ask, frustrated.
“To Simon, avenging his mother is his life,” Alec reasons.
“Stupid jerk,” I hiss.
Alec dares to smirk at me.
“Stop that right now.” I point my finger at him.
“Seriously, love, have you told him?” Alec continues to look smugly satisfied that he's right about something.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” I say, turning my back to him and looking out the window. We're on the top floor of a condo in downtown Honolulu.
“Okay, we'll go with that for now. When do you meet your brother? Alec puts down his gun and gets up from the table.
“Later tonight, I'll text you the coordinates from Simon's phone. I know a place about an hour away you should bring him to. I'll make the arrangements,” I say.
“Not a problem.” Alec smiles. “I'll get him there.”