Page 5 of Dangerous Liaisons
“What do you think you're doing?” the blonde demands.
I look over my shoulder and see her in a sleeveless sundress that accentuates her chest. She's holding an umbrella drink, and I notice her long blood-red nails. I ignore her and continue scrolling through the song choices. The girl puts her glass on the table, and she touches my shoulder.
“Leave me alone,” I say and jerk away from her.
“No, you can't play that crap. I was here first. Plus, Bryce said I could pick the music tonight.” Her voice is so whiny, I cringe.
I turn to her. If looks could kill, she'd be on the ground, stone-cold dead. “I don't give a fuck who your banging, blondie. I'm here now!”
“What did you just say to me?” Blondie squints at me.
I laugh. I can't help it; this bitch is ridiculous. I can see the dumb screaming out of her pores. I wonder if Bryce brought her home from California. The sting from her slap only mildly surprises me. Too bad for her, I'm not in the mood. I shove her back hard, and she stumbles. If she'd have been wearing heels as I expected, I imagine the damage would have been worse, but in her bare feet, she can regain her footing pretty fast. I'm reaching back with my fist when I feel big hands on me.
“Stop that shit, Leilani,” a familiar voice says.
“Let me go, asshole,” I yell.
“Not until you calm the fuck down,” Bryce says near my ear.
Bryce's friend Reggie is holding onto Blondie. Her face is beet red. Bryce comes around; he's bulked up since the last time I saw him. I'd be impressed if I wasn't so over this. He's standing in front of me now, so I can't see his girl.
“Your girlfriend came at me, Dude,” I say more calmly.
“You never change, do you?” Bryce rolls his eyes.
That was the last thing he should have said to me. I moved to ram him, and knock him back into Reggie and Blondie, but I underestimated him seeing that coming. Before I know it, I'm over his shoulder.
“What the hell,” I scream, hitting him on his back.
Without hesitation, Bryce throws me into the pool. The night is warm, so the water feels nice, but it does nothing for my pissed-off mood. When I get to the stairs and haul myself out, I stomp my way to the tree line and head down the beach path.
Chapter 5
The mansion sits atop the ridge overlooking the sea. Koa trees line the drive as Alec steers the gold Porsche 911 Turbo toward the house and parks it off to the side near the other cars. It’s just past ten, and we got back to Oahu a few hours ago. What strikes me is the plethora of stars in the clear night sky are so peaceful compared to the noise coming out of the house.
I sigh as Alec asks, “What's up with you tonight?”
“Nothing, I'm fine,” I say, though I'm lying.
Before I left his house, my father talked to me about how he expects me to ramp up my efforts to help the famiglia. I guess he was still pissed I'd delayed coming to Oahu by several weeks.
I never admitted I'd actually been here on schedule. I just wanted to get some things in place before making myself known.
As we took the steps to the front door, a girl stepped out, swaying a bit on her heels. She had a drink in her hand and a big smile on her face when she noticed Alec in front of me.
“Is that an Elvis song?” I ask, but Alec shrugs his shoulders.
“Hey there.” The girl smiles widely, sloshing some of her drink on her shoes. “Damn, these are new.”
I can hear the smile in Alec's voice as he asks, “What's your name, beautiful?”
The girl blushes and puts her hand to her chest. The bikini top barely contains her, and the movement only draws more attention to her breasts.
“It's Anna. Where are you from?” she asks.
“New Zealand, want another drink?” Alec reaches toward Anna's elbow to encourage her to follow him back inside. She is easy to convince, and I follow them both into the foyer. It’s an ample space with a staircase that circles up to the second floor. People are milling around, but Alec goes down the hall, which leads to a kitchen and a back door. The place is jumping with activity. The water from the pool glistens with all the lights strewn up. A game of volleyball is set up in the shallow end of the pool. A few people are dancing off to the side, but don’t seem to be partnered up and I wonder how drunk they are. A few people are lounging on the deck chairs, drinking and laughing. One thing is for sure these people are happy and are comfortable in their element. I’ve never minded a party, but I can just as easily be cool on my own. My eyes drift to the opposite end of the pool. I'm shocked when I see a girl slap another one. Before I move, I notice Alec appearing by my side, handing me a beer. My attention is rapt as I watch the drama play out in front of me. The dark hair girl is picked up by a muscular guy with a buzz cut and thrown into the water. The other girl is being consoled by the buzz-cut guy when he makes his way over to her. Another guy changes the music, and a Drake song pulses out of the speakers.