Page 11 of Loki's Flame
“I need guarantees, brah. You don’t know what I’m dealing with. I’ll be killed for ratting,” DD negotiated. I’d feel sorry for the kid if I could give a shit about a low life street rat. He’d turn on his own mother for the right price.
“Maybe we’d sympathize with your plight if we had something to go on,” Bones, the less bloodthirsty of us, all said.
Whiskey took DD’s phone out of his back pocket, having confiscated it earlier. “What’s your pin?”
“It's daznuts, that’s d.a.z.n.u.t.s,” DD smirked.
“Fucking brainiac,” Bones rolled his eyes, and I smiled as I crossed my arms.
“Which contact?” Whiskey asked.
“It’s in there as B.T,” he said.
“Yeah, and what’s that stand for, DD?” I asked, almost out of patience.
“You can’t expect me to tell you that.” DD looked desperate.
Taz hit DD in the gut and he ooophed, but he couldn’t move much in his restraints. “It will only get worse for you if you make us ask again.”
DD didn’t answer fast enough, and Taz used the hunting knife and went from the top of his arm down to his elbow. The streak of crimson flowed down into the dirt. DD growled from pain and frustration. DD was a stocky dude with a bit of muscle he showcased in his white wife beater shirt.
“It’s Byron Turner.”
Whiskey hit the call button and then the speaker. Within two rings they answered the call, “fuck you DD. Where the hell are you, brah?”
“Listen B.T. I need you to listen to me. Can you get to the crates?”
“Why?” B.T. sounded suspicious.
“I’m in Lafayette. I was trying to get some money together to follow you guys, but my luck ran out. Now I owe big and I need you to bring the goods.”
“No fucking way DD. You realize that is a death sentence, right?” B.T. sounded scared of a bigger fish.
“It's okay. I have a plan. You owe me, brah.”
“Nah, DD, we can’t move the crates even if we wanted to. It’s already been delivered, and you do not want to see what these guys have going on up here.” the reception on the phone got static at the end of what he said.
“Where are you? I’ll see if I can get away and meet you.”
The phone went silent and DD yelled a few times, but the line had disconnected.
“Boa, call your contact and see if they can trace that call.” I instructed.
“Looks like your usefulness just ended, DD,” I said and shook my head.
“No, wait, I can help you,” DD had tears streaming down his face.
“You should have stayed with your gang,” I nodded my head at Whiskey. He and Taz went to the truck they brought here to get the gas cans.
Bones and I walked out, and I looked toward the meadow surrounding the barn. There was no one for miles, so it wasn’t likely anyone would notice the fire, at least not right away. Taz would probably slit the kid’s throat first, but evidence still needed to be dealt with. He had mercy, which was rich given how good he was at being a Sgt. of Arms.
“Do you think we should tell Piotr? He has connections we could use right now,” Bones said.
“Not yet,” I swung a leg over my bike and strapped my lid on “I’ll see you back at the house.”
Easing down the makeshift path that led to the old dirt road. It was several miles before getting to the two-lane road that led back to the interstate. I wanted some peace to think.
Chapter 11