Page 25 of Loki's Flame
“Look, I ain’t sure how true it is, but rumor was the Boys were dealing with some crazy motherfuckers out of Arkansas. Some town called Faith or Love. Whatever the fuck it was, they had some acres and were building a compound. Fuckers were those militia types thinkin’ they ain’t citizens.”
“Can I come closer? I want to show you a picture.”
“Ya can come to the edge of the porch, but this 12 gauge is ready,” he spat again.
“No problem.” I drawled off my bike and over toward the porch. I pulled out the picture of Shannon Ivy gave to me.
Before I even said anything else, Virgil was nodding his head. “Yeah, I seen her before. She hangs out with Tate and his crew.”
“Ever sell to her?”
“Nah, but Tate was a good customer of mine. He bought for the jackass singer he works for.”
“The singer named Louis Marcel?”
“Yeah, that’s it.”
“Good to know,” I said, things piecing together in my mind. I placed the stacks of cash on the bottom step and walked backwards with my hands up.
“Appreciate ya Virgil,” Bones called out as I got back to my bike, and we prepared to pull out.
Virgil said nothing more. His eyes sharp as he watched us.
Pay back looked good on the horizon as my brothers and I rode down the dirt road, dust swirling all around us.
Chapter 21
Bridget Ivy
I never expected to see Piotr, the guy I waited on at Ragnarök, to be standing at my motel door. He looked much like he did that night, in an impeccable suit. His two bodyguards must have been sitting in the black Cadillac, I noticed in the parking spot next to my car.
“Ivy, it's good to see you again, or do you prefer Bridget?”
It stunned me he knew my first name, but before I could say anything, he showed me what he had in the bag he was carrying.
“Do you thinkI could have your autograph?”
My book,Savage Night,had a crisp, pristine cover, and I wondered if he ordered it online, but more importantly, how he knew I’d written it? It had only been a few days since I last saw him, and I had doubts that Loki would have talked to him about me. Hell, Loki and I really hadn’t discussed the details of my book, though I suppose it wasn’t hard to track down.
“How did you know?”
“Let’s just say you're his type and when I saw you, I had a hunch, so I did some digging and voila, here we are,” he smiled at me. I wasn’t picking up any bad vibes from him, so I was unsure what this was about.
“Can you tell me what this is about?”
“May I come in?”
“Okay,” I let him in, so I backed up and opened the door as I did. Piotr looked like a fish out of water in this old room. He put the book on the table and sat in one of the table chairs, placing his bag on the floor beside him.
“I’ll get to the point. I need you to pack a bag and come with me for a few days. Think of it as a brief vacation. I can promise you it will be nice - tropical sun and sand and one of the most beautiful views you’ll ever have.”
“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, sitting down on the chair opposite him.
“Loki needs motivation. I need your help in getting that from him.” His smile remained, but he had a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there before. What the hell was going on?
“I don’t understand why you think Loki cares one way or the other about where I’m at? Plus, I don’t know you. Why would I go on a trip with you?” I’m beyond puzzled.
“Do you have any idea what we do for business?” He changed topics.