Page 32 of Loki's Flame
The three little dots immediately appeared in the text bubble.
“Excellent news.”
“Bring her back, fuckhead!”
Chapter 25
Bridget Ivy
I was back in the motel looking at the shabby walls and wondering why I bothered to come back at all. The four days away had been another world. Piotr had been charming and gracious and never crossed a line. I wasn’t sure what to expect honestly when he showed up here demanding I come with him. I suspected even though he and Loki appeared to be in some kind of standoff that he still had respect for him. Not that Loki and I had a defined relationship. I wasn’t immune to the killer chemistry we had. But was it more? I wasn’t sure I was capable of that.
The knock on the door didn’t surprise me.I opened it, finding Loki frowning. His bike was gleaming in the sunlight in the spot in front of my door. He seemed tense as he crossed the threshold. I closed the door behind him and turned as he engulfed me in a hug. He leaned into me. “Are you smelling my hair?” I asked, awkwardly touching his back.
“Shut up and let me hold you for a minute,” he gruffly said into my ear.
When he pulled back, his eyes scanned me from head to toe in a slow sweeping motion, and I shivered.
“Did you miss me at all, locked up in paradise?”
I laughed, “not sure you want to hear my answer to that. Have you ever been?”
“Well, a part of me never wanted to leave.”
When I met Loki’s eyes, he was glaring at me. Well, that was weird. What the hell is going on with him?
“Let me take you on a ride,” he said out of nowhere.
“Um, I have a shift starting in about two hours,” I was going to give my notice tonight. I didn’t see a point in continuing to work at the club.
“No, you don’t. I’ve officially termed your employment with Malcolm.”
The anger that flared surprised me. “Wait, why would you do that?”
“I don’t want you working.”
“You don’t want me working? What the hell caveman? Who died and made you the boss of me?”
Loki put his hands up in surrender. “Let me rephrase. There’s no need for you to work at the club. I have a lead on who got the drugs for your sister.”
My anger vanished just like that and I grabbed him in a fierce hug as the tears coursed down my cheeks. “Really, who is it?”
“Tate, the musician's manager, had an open line of credit with Virgil.”
“What?” I stood back and looked up into his face.
His expression was thoughtful as he said, “I’d be willing to bet money that your sister was seeing the singer or maybe it was the manager. Either way, it’s logical she wouldn’t be finding drugs when her own circle had them at the ready. Maybe she wasn’t even dating one of them. They could have said that to throw you off their trail.”
“Holy shit! I’ve been so blind.”
“Nah darlin’, your instincts were on the money.”
I moved closer and Loki bent down to meet my lips. The flame ignited quickly, and I pulled back only to get rid of the clothes that were between us. He didn’t need convincing as he did the same. When I sat on the mattress and inched my way back on the bed, Loki was covering me with his body with no time to waste. He took his time, kissing my skin and touching me. I wanted to move faster, but he kept putting my hands back down at my sides. When he touched his tongue to my clit, I almost combusted. He lavished me with his strokes and I was a hot mess under him.
“Loki, please,” I cried, and he added pressure to his tongue strokes and I came, hard. I was moaning and panting as he entered me. I pulled my legs up so he would go deeper and I pulled him closer with my hands around his arms, but he wouldn’t move faster. I clenched my Kegel muscle as an incentive, but he continued his lazy pace. Looking up into his blue eyes, I noticed something different from before. Passion wasn’t consuming him. It was something else entirely, and I almost melted from the intensity. I had to look away because I was afraid he'd consume me in that stare. I brought my knees down and put the heels of my feet behind his knees, changing the angle. Loki began circling his hips as he grabbed my ass with one of his hands. The sensation built as he changed course again and started moving in and out of me, before long putting his fingers on my clit and swirling them. The sounds coming out of my mouth were unintelligible and I’d be embarrassed if I had any fucks to give. I was chasing my orgasm, and it was so very close, just around the next corner, when stars exploded behind my eyes and I scratched him in my enthusiasm. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I love you.”
My eyes stayed closed as my heart raced and I wondered if I imagined that last part.