Page 37 of Loki's Flame
“I grew up with a grandfather that used to tell me story after story. By the time I got to boarding school, I knew them backward and forward. Being in Norway and having him so proud of me made me even more determined to learn and saturate the mythos into my daily life. Loki was my jam from the start.” I laughed a little, remembering how fierce I always thought my grandfather was.
“Were you close to your dad?”
“Not like I was with my grandfather. He died the summer after my first year in Norway.”
“What about your mom?”
“She died of breast cancer when I was 11.”
“I’m sorry,”
“It’s ok, it was a long time ago. My Dad never remarried, though I suspect he kept mistresses around the house. He was a man who liked his pleasures. I think that’s where I got the vice club idea from.”
“Piotr really cares about you,” she said, switching gears.
“I know. Why haven’t you asked why he took you away?”
“I don’t need to know,” she said calmly.
“You don’t want to know why he took you out of the country? I mean, hell, you're an investigative journalist, how can you not want to know?” I asked, pulling her into my lap.
“Doesn’t mean I follow every scoop,” she grinned up at me and kissed the side of my mouth.
I tickled her, and she didn’t react. Puzzled, I skimmed my fingers lightly up her arm and she shivered. When I got to her neck, she immediately smashed my fingers. I took my other hand and lightly skimmed my fingers over the skin on the other side of her neck. She slammed her chin down, smashing my fingers.
“Oh, someone’s ticklish,” I said, trying to get her to react as I worked my hands around.
“Stop, please stop,” she laughed as she struggled to free herself.
“What’s the magic word?”
“Asgard,” she said, and I smiled, dropping my hands.
“Close enough.” I stood up in one swoop. She gasped from the surprise of me lifting her into the air. I walked us over to the platform and threw her on the bed. I followed and let my prey know what happened to naughty girls who disobeyed my wishes.
Chapter 29
Bridget Ivy
I left the plantation before Loki woke up. He’d spent the rest of the night worshipping my body and I felt blissfully sore from the attention. But I wanted to get a head start on the drive to Dallas and I suspected trying to say goodbye was going to be harder than I wanted to think about.
I ran into a sweaty Taz on my walk to my car. The sun was still making its way to full daylight. His face was flushed, and he was chugging a water bottle. I didn’t explain as I handed him the envelope of cash. He tried to shove it back at me wordlessly, but I dropped it to the ground as I hurriedly kissed his cheek and ran to my car. Along the drive, my mind wondered, and it was easy to admit I would miss New Orleans. The Big Easy got in your blood and wouldn’t let go.
Yawning loudly as I clicked my turn signal into Michael’s condo building. I’d had very little sleep and hours of driving had me ready to crash for a nap. I’d made two stops on the way and it was now 4 pm on Sunday.
I found a visitor's spot and dialed Michael’s number. “I’m here, sweetie.” A squeal and within a few minutes, they engulfed me in his protective hug.
“It’s so good to see you,” Michael smiled at me and immediately started frowning with worry as he checked out my face.
“I’m just tired, believe me. Once I get a nap and a good meal, I’ll be back to fighting form,” I laughed as he spun me around.
The next morning over breakfast, I watched Michael skim his partner’s cheek as they sat closely together eating their eggs.
“How long has it been now?”
“Since what?” Michael asked.