Page 7 of Loki's Flame
He frowned and I could tell he wanted to say something else. I waited.
“Look, darlin’, I know this may seem odd, but Loki would really like to talk to you. You said you were new in town, right? Couldn’t hurt to meet a few new people.”
I watched his eyes as he told me that. I could tell it was important to him, but I couldn't understand why. Why introduce me to another guy when he’d clearly been flirting with me the whole time I’d been here. Unless these assholes liked to share. Well, of course they probably did, hadn’t that been in one of the romance books I’d borrowed from Shannon’s stash when I’d been travelling. I was about to tell him I wasn’t interested when I heard the voice.
“You must be Ivy,” the voice called out, accented and deep.
When I looked to the side, I saw the most stunning man I’d ever seen in person. He had blond hair, toned arms and the outline of a six-pack through his tight t-shirt and the face. Fuck me, was this guy gorgeous! My hormones were jittering a little, and it was the first time in a while since they’d come to life.
“Who wants to know?” Quirking my brow, something made me not want to give in too quickly. Asshole was probably used to girls falling at his feet.
“I’m Loki, it's a pleasure to meet you.” he smiled.
“Is it?” I asked.
His smile faltered a little as he stared me straight in the eye. He had amazing blue eyes, too. Fucker!
Chapter 6
Who the fuck was this girl! Beautiful, but pretty girls were a dime a dozen. It was something else. Maybe the way she carried herself or the fact she seemed to walk in here without an armor of make-up and frills like the other woman who frequented the club. She almost had an air that she could give a fuck less if anyone noticed her. It did the exact opposite because as soon as I saw Taz leading her to the Valkyrie Room; I knew I needed to get a closer look. Taz wanted to shoulders,to know her, but I didn’t feel the least bit bad about changing his goals tonight. She and I were staring at each other, and the look of sadness in her eyes made me wonder what her story was. I filed that away for later. Ivy’s chest was heaving, so I knew she wasn’t totally immune to me despite her tossing me an attitude. Her hazel eyes had a rich depth. Her blonde hair cut above her shoulders had me itching to twirl it around my finger. I almost laughed out loud at the thought of how she’d react if I touched her. I wager there was nothing boring about this chick.
“Yeah, it is. How about we go somewhere and stop standing in the hallway?” I invited.
“Not interested, but please tell Taz thanks for the drink,” she said as she moved to leave. During our stare down, Taz had gone.
I touched her arm lightly. “do you need a job?”
Exasperation crossed her face, “why do you think I need a job?”
“Just a question, no need to get defensive.”
“I wasn’t getting defensive,” she huffed.
This was fun. “I could tell you're not from New Orleans and figured you might be new to town. We’re always looking for pretty girls.”
“What about you, you don’t sound like you're from here either,” she said.
“I’m from here. I just didn’t always live here,” I said vaguely. “So how about it, pretty girl, you want to come talk to me about a job?”
“What to strip?”
“What’s wrong with stripping?”
“Nothing. I just want to understand what exactly you’re offering me.” She crossed her arms, the gesture drawing my eyes to her chest, which might have been a handful each, but it worked for her. I wasn’t one of those dudes who got tongue tied over huge tits. She frowned at me a little — maybe she thought I was. What she didn’t know was that I’d been rock hard since I approached her, but I could contain it by the way I was standing. No need to frighten the tigress off by making any lewd suggestions, at least not yet.
“Tell you what. You want to go, I’ll not keep you. Come by tomorrow, say around three if you want to talk more. Ragnarök has a lot to offer and there’s over one way you could contribute to the team.” Her cheeks flushed pink. I was really just fucking with her. I wanted to see those claws again, and I hoped it wouldn’t be when we were standing in the hallway of my business.
“Yeah, we’ll see,” she said and turned to go. I watched her hips sway as she walked out the double glass doors.
“Where did you find Ivy?” I asked Taz when we were in my office later that night.
“She was standing outside looking at the club. She didn’t look like she’d decided if she was coming in or not. I helped her make the choice,” he smirked.
“You good with me cockblocking you tonight?” I asked.