Page 51 of Saving Miss Pratt
“And of course, it wouldn’t do for me, as a gentleman, to be her sole champion. Especially given our understanding.”
Her gaze shot to his. “Dowe have an understanding, Dr. Marbry?”
With forced sincerity, he answered, “I fervently hope so, Lady Honoria.”
She gave a firm nod. “Then we shall endeavor to assist Miss Pratt by all means necessary.”
He wanted to thank her, but the words stuck in his throat.
This was a terrible idea indeed.
How is your father this morning?” Timothy asked Lady Honoria when she greeted him the next morning. He’d been unable to examine the man prior to leaving the day before, but had prescribed a poultice for congestion and willow bark tea with a generous amount of lemon for his fever and sore throat.
“Improved, thank goodness. He has requested that you consult, if you would be so kind.”
“It would be my honor.” Relief eased Timothy’s nerves. Not only that Lord Stratford had indeed improved, but that he agreed to a second opinion. Perhaps it was a good omen of things to come.
Honoria seemed particularly animated, giving him a generous smile before seating herself. “Father was most impressed you are concerned for his health. He has a very good opinion of you, Dr. Marbry.”
“You seem in good spirits, my lady,” he offered, returning her smile and resuming his seat.
“I must admit that our task has invigorated me.” She held a slip of paper in her hands. “I’ve made a list of prospective suitors for Miss Pratt.”
He leaned forward, eager to hear her findings.
“With the Duke of Burwood’s recent passing, his heir is a distant relative and has been away from London for some time. I understand he’s still young and unmarried.”
“A duke. It would definitely please Miss Pratt’s mother, Lady Cartwright. But as a duke, he would most likely wish to avoid any whiff of scandal.”
She pursed her lips, frowning at her list. “Oh, I suppose you’re correct. However, it may depend on if he’s been privy to the scandal sheets. I understand he’s been called home from India. Far enough away to be shielded from the gossips.”
She consulted her list. “Lord Felix Davies, the second son of Viscount Scarborough, recently arrived from the continent after his grand tour. He will be popular among the unmarried ladies, but nevertheless I’ve added him. His eldest brother is already married with a son, so it’s unlikely Lord Felix will inherit, but his family is held in high regard. Like Burwood’s heir, we have a chance he won’t have heard about Miss Pratt’s . . . incident.”
Timothy nodded. “Who else?”
“Well, he’s not titled, but Mr. Francis Ugbrooke is landed gentry, with a good living and an estate in Somerset. His wife died in childbirth several years ago, and I understand he’s in dire need of a mother for the children.”
Somehow, Timothy didn’t imagine marriage to Mr. Ugbrooke and rearing his children would appeal to Priscilla. He motioned for Lady Honoria to continue.
“He’s a bit long in the tooth, but Viscount Highbottom is still unmarried.”
And not likely to satisfy Priscilla in the bedroom.
She’d probably be happier with Netherborne in the country. Timothy kept his knowledge to himself. Besides, it was best not to think about Priscilla in conjunction with a bedroom. “Anyone else?”
Honoria stared at her list and chewed her lip, the action failing to generate the same reaction in Timothy as when Priscilla had performed it.
Drat if his mind didn’t return to her at every turn.
Well—he reminded himself—theywerediscussing finding a suitor for Miss Pratt. It was natural his mind drifted to her.
Wasn’t it?
“Well, there is another gentleman, though he’s not on my list,” Honoria said, shifting in her seat and looking rather uncomfortable. “But he is unattached and still in his prime.”
Ignoring the latter portion of her statement, Timothy’s mind latched onto the first. “Why isn’t he on your list?”