Page 79 of Saving Miss Pratt
He nodded. “I would say that with the right person, the experience surpasses any other in physical pleasure.”
Oh, my.
“By the right person, are you implying someone with experience, such as yourself?”
He emitted a short crack of laughter before turning to her, his expression serious. “Are you asking me to seduce you?”
“No . . . I . . . oh, dear.” She had the sudden desire to curl up into the tiniest ball and hide from sight.
“Have no fear, Miss Pratt. Even if you were making such a request, I would respectfully decline. Contrary to belief—although I find you most attractive—I don’t seduce innocent women. I merely meant you should share the experience with someone you truly care about, perhaps love. Especially for the first time.”
He pinned her with his gaze, sharp with understanding.
Desperate to divert his attention, she said, “One personal question, if I may.”
He quirked a dark eyebrow. “Considering you’ve practically bared your soul to me, it seems only fair that I reciprocate—although much depends on your question, and I reserve the right to not answer.”
“How do you stand it? Staying in London, I mean. Where people are so judgmental and cruel to you. It seems to me your reputation is most undeserved.”
Dark shadows passed across his face. “Don’t delude yourself, Miss Pratt. I’ve done many things—despicable things—to deserve my reputation. But people are slow to forgive, and even slower to forget. As for how I stand it”—he shrugged—“I suppose it’s easier for a man. Being the son, then brother of a marquess has its advantages. Should I decide to marry, the association with the title might be more than enough to aid my bride inforgettingmy past indiscretions.”
“Do you have any practical advice for me as a woman?”
A deep chuckle erupted. “Another area where my reputation far exceeds reality. Like all other men on the planet, I have yet to understand the mind of a woman. However, if I were to give advice to a man, I would tell him not to run from his problems, but rather pursue what he wants—within limits, of course. I would rather have tried and failed than be riddled with doubts and regrets over what might have been.”
“Regardless, I know whatever I decide, I can’t stay in London whether I marry someone else or not. To see him at parties and in the park with Lady Honoria on his arm, it would eat at me on the inside. Much better to be away entirely.”
“Out of sight, out of mind, ’eh?”
“Does it work?”
He shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been in love myself. Not to the extent that the object of your affection has consumed you so thoroughly it destroys you when that affection is not returned.”
They strolled in silence while she pondered his advice. What she wanted was to experience the type of passion that could consume her—if only once before she sentenced herself to a loveless marriage in the country with Mr. Netherborne.
But did she have the courage necessary to take what she so desperately wanted?
* * *
Steppingout onto the terrace once again, Timothy scanned the crowd. No sign of Priscilla’s pretty pink gown greeted him. Had she left? Surely she would have bid goodbye to her hosts before departing? He strolled over to his sister, formulating a way to ask without giving himself away.
Bea glanced over from where she’d been in conversation with her husband, her eyes widening. “Whatever ha—? Did Purrny do that?”
His sister was nothing if not quick to make correct deductions. “Who else? I swear, Bea, that cat is a menace.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What did you do to provoke him?”
“Me? Nothing.”
“Must have done something. Catpurrnicus is gentle as a lamb if he likes you and you treat him well,” Laurence said—the traitor.
“Not you, too? Has my sister changed you so much that you would take her side over your best friend?”
Laurence simply shrugged. “When she’s right, she’s right.”
Bea beamed and tugged affectionately on her husband’s arm. “My husband is the most intelligent of men.”
Lord, those two were enough to make Timothy cast up his accounts right there on the terrace. “Please tell me that this married bliss you two exhibit will be short-lived. I don’t think I can stomach much more of it.”