Page 4 of The Widower's Peak
"I mean, once or twice, but that's not the real problem,” she says quickly. “I've been working two jobs and as soon as I cash my checks he spends the money. I tried to leave him, but he came into one of my jobs and screamed until I ended up getting fired."
"They fired you because of him? Why didn't they call the cops and have him thrown out?"
"They did, but he kept showing up and the cops said I had to get a restraining order or he was free to come and go as long as he didn't cause a disturbance. I refused to serve him when he was seated in my section, so my boss told me I either had to get a restraining order or lose my job. He told me he didn't give a shit about a restraining order and h-he threatened me. He scares the shit out of me! Layla would've never let a man talk to her like that, but I'm not strong like she was. I can't handle this on my own."
Nellie falls apart in sobs as I pull her closer to me and envelope her in a hug. Is this the first hug I've felt since the funeral? I tuck her head under my chin, and try to think of what Layla would do. Layla would give her a place to stay first. The clubhouse environment isn't what she wanted for Nellie. I could put her up in our old place- I obviously don't need it anymore- but that's not safe for her. She'd be a lot better protected if I keep her here where myself and the guys can keep an eye on her. I doubt even a dumbass like whoeverDavidis would come to the clubhouse trying to start shit.
We'll have to find her a job nearby. She's been staying on the other side of town about forty minutes from here and her clunker won't get her there safely without breaking down every damn day. I'll have to work on the car so she has something to drive. As far as a job, I really don't know what the hell she can do. Maybe she can waitress at Pres’s restaurant with the other girls.
I'll have to make sure these guys stay away from her. The last thing she needs is some fucking thick-skulled idiot in a cut trying to fuck with her head right after escaping an abusive asshole.
Maya! Maya would be good for her to talk to. Maybe Maya can help her deal with what she's going through after being abused.
"Will you help me?" Nellie asks, blue eyes shining up at me through the fog of my thoughts.
I grin at her, or at least I think I do, my mouth is numb. "Absolutely! On one small condition."
"What is it?"
"You have to promise me you won't go back to that asshole. I don't want to break his fucking legs, but I will if I have to.” I’d actually love to.Just say the word and I’ll decimate his entire life.
She nods hard. "I’m never going back. I’ve been trying to get away from him for months. I'm sorry for showing up here unannounced. I was scared and you were the first person I thought of. I'm all alone now."
“You aren’t alone, sweetheart. I got you.” I need to talk to Pres. He’ll help me sort all this out. “You stay in here while I go handle some stuff with the club, okay? Take a shower, take a nap. Whatever you need, you can have it.”
She offers up a weak smile. “Okay.”
“Pres, can I talk to you?” I ask when I find him in the kitchen.
Pres looks concerned when he turns around to look at me, coffee mug in hand. “Sure. What’s up, Tree?”
He presses his lips into a thin line and nods. “Okay.” He waves for me to lead, and I do. He shuts the doors behind us and takes his seat at the head of the table. “What do you need?”
“Layla’s sister just showed up. Nell? Do you remember her?”
“I do.” He blows air over the rim of the mug.
“Her ex is a piece of shit and she needs a safe place to sleep,” I explain. “I don’t want to put her up in my house all by herself. Is it okay if she stays here?”
Pres is silent for only a moment. “Of course.”
“She needs a job, but her car is shit. I’m going to fix it, but while I’m doing that maybe we could get her in your fancy restaurant with the other girls so she can ride with them?”
Pres leans back in the chair and rubs the back of his head with one of his hands. “Yeah, Tree. We can do that. Are you sure… I mean, with everything else that’s happened, do you want to take a second to think about what you’re signing up for here?”
“She’s family, Pres. She- Lay would’ve wanted me to help her. I have to take care of her.” I think I’m fucking tap-dancing I’m so full of energy.
“Okay. Get me her info so I can have Skids check over it. Is there anything I should be aware of before I look?”
“No. Nell’s a good girl.” Always has been.
“Good. Oh, and I want everyone to be hands-off. She just got out of a bad spot. She doesn’t need to have these dipshits trying to get in her pants.”
“Of course,” Pres agrees. “I doubt anyone would mess with her. I’d like to meet her, and I’d like to see you in Church more. I haven’t seen you at the table since Maya arrived.”