Page 14 of Rescuing Melissa
Until now.
“Holy shit-fuck!” I’m an eloquent son of a bitch when I finally shoot my load down Melissa’s pretty little throat. My eyes bulge while I release. I don’t mean to, but my body goes rigid, so my hand accidentally slams the back of her head onto my cock like an inconsiderate fool.
Over and over, I release down her throat, which finally allows my ribs to expand so I can pull in a full breath.
I want to apologize for coming like a virgin down her throat so quickly, but all I can manage is a rasped, “Damn, Melissa. That was fucking amazing.”
When she releases me and pulls her head off my cock, I stumble back, slamming into the wall behind me with such force that, for a second, I see stars.
I don’t even have the manners to fetch her a glass of water to wash the taste of me out of her mouth. I just stand there, my pants around my ankles like a fool, trying to catch my breath and fighting with gravity to keep me from collapsing before her.
Melissa’s smirk is smug and well-deserved as she stands, purely naked and gorgeous before me. She pulls her hair back in her fist, fanning the blush on her face. “I caught enough of that phone call to know you have to go. I hope you don’t mind me going a little rough on you to speed things along.”
My chest heaves as I struggle to pull my pants and boxer briefs up, buckling my belt on the wrong hole. “You’re incredible. That was… I haven’t ever…” My face turns serious, as much as it can after such an intense orgasm. “Never again. I say how things go down. If I want a finger in my ass, I’ll ask for it.”
I try to take control of the situation, but just as quickly, she snatches it from my grip with a chuckle. “No man ever knows when he needs a finger in his ass.” She picks up my undershirt and tosses it to me. “You have to go, right?”
I nod, hating that simple truth. “I’m sorry, Melissa. I want to stay with you and do that about a thousand more times tonight.”
Melissa smiles at me, shaking her head. “Then I’ll be here, waiting for you to make good on that promise.”
I slide on my undershirt, not bothering with the dress shirt because my fingers are too clumsy for goddamn buttons. “This door stays closed. Lock it, of course. And when I leave, move that dresser in front of the door, just in case. Don’t leave the room for any reason, okay?”
Melissa nods. “I’ve got a granola bar in my purse. I’m good.”
I’m at a loss because I desperately want to stay, but I know I need to go. Not just because my family told me to do my job, but because the job is keeping her safe. Lance Hamilton has to be dealt with if I’m ever going to be able to parade my woman out on the town, showing her off and fucking her in every unlocked public restroom we can find so she can get her kink on to the fullest extent.
“You’ll be here when I get back?”
Melissa kisses my lips while I fumble for my keys. “Ready and waiting for round two.”
She looks so innocent, but I know she’s got a dirty mind.
I love it. I need it.
I kiss her harder, and then pull back, cussing loudly as I walk out the door.
I spent a fair amount of time satisfying my woman.
Now it’s time to protect her.
Ihate everyone and everything who isn’t Melissa. After I called Paul and Benny and told them to meet me at the first address Antonio texted me, I try to make up for lost time by speeding through the pre-dawn traffic in a stolen car I intend to ditch at the first address when I catch up to my men.
I can taste Melissa on my tongue still. I can smell her juices on my fingers. I can picture perfectly what her face will look like when I grind my pelvis into her core.
Fuck Lance Hamilton for taking me away from her to deal with his shit.
Lance scared Melissa enough that she relocated and tried to pay everything in cash so as not to be tracked by him. He took her kink and nearly ruined it by taping her against her wishes.
Plus, he did a bunch of other technology shit that Antonio is freaking out about, so he’s going to be double-dead once I find the snake.
When I pull up to the first house on the list, Benny and Paul are already there. They waited for me before entering, as they should. I step out of the stolen sports car, tucking in my undershirt. I feel sloppy and practically naked without my dress shirt that I left in the hotel. This isn’t how Brunello raised me to behave. Sure, my father was the incomparable Mario Moretti, but there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s Brunello who raised me. If not, I might have turned out to be a vindictive, sour old ass, like our father.
Maybe Brunello won’t notice my sloppy attire if I come back with Lance’s head in a bag.
Paul and Benny don’t need to be told how to break into a house to get the drop on someone, but they do need it pointed out that we’re on camera. I jerk my chin to the awning of the porch’s overhang, letting them silently know that we are being watched.