Page 7 of The Blowout
“Wait. You’re not—”
“Flynn. May I have a word?” I feel no relief at Charlie’s arrival. Shit is about to hit the fan. I just know it. Swallowing down my fear, I watch as Flynn looks back and forth between us, trying to decide what to do. “Now.” The choice is taken from him when Charlie motions to the side.
I hear Flynn curse under his breath as he follows Charlie a few feet from me. I have no idea what they’re talking about, but Flynn’s angry glare fades as they whisper back and forth. Then, throwing his hands up in what I can only guess is exasperation, Flynn spins around and marches through the crowd. It’s only when he’s disappeared from my sight that I realize Charlie has walked to my side.
I take a long drink of my wine, needing all the fortification I can get. This man is dangerous. He’s too handsome. Too tall and sturdy to be anything but a menace to my emotions. I’m attracted to Charlie and that hasdisasterwritten all over it.
Plus, he thinks I’m Gillian. He bid on Gillian to get a date with her. Maybe he likes her and has been waiting for the right moment. This is not the right moment, but how could he know that? Crap, what am I going to do? I really wish I’d never agreed to this stupid farce. Now I was crushing on a man who potentially wanted my sister and I had no idea what her feelings were.
“Are you okay? You’re looking a little pale.”
At any other time I would have sarcastically thanked him for the backhanded compliment. No one ever wanted to hear they looked like crap. Yet, right now, I was thankful for his observation. I felt suddenly sick to my stomach and this was the perfect out.
Placing my wineglass down on the bar harder than I anticipated, I take a deep breath of air.
“No, I’m suddenly feeling very unwell. Must be the excitement of the night,” I lie. “I think I’m going to head—
“Outside. That’s a great idea. It is a little stuffy in here.”
“Oh. That wasn’t—”
We’re already in motion. His hand gently lands on my lower back and guides me to the back of the room. People are watching us, their eyes either large with surprise or squinting with disbelief. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not supposed to be with this man? My stomach churns again, not liking the doubt that keeps swirling in my head.
“Ah, that’s better,” Charlie says as we step outside. “Those events can get so overwhelming at times.”
Since this is my first big fancy event, I’ll have to agree. “Yes, this is much better. I didn’t even see these doors.” The cool air of the night feels good against my skin. Stepping away from him, I make my way to the railing and look out onto the garden. Flowers are in full bloom, their sweet fragrance sweetly dancing around me in the breeze. It’s gorgeous out here.
“You look stunning tonight, sunshine.” Glancing at Charlie over my shoulder, I can’t stop my smile. “And your hair,” he says almost reverently, stepping up to me. “It—it’s glorious.” A little huff of humor comes from him. I watch with wonder as he twists a strand around a finger. “Those words aren’t even adequate but I’ve never seen hair like this.”
I swoon. It may be a silly compliment, but to me it means everything. Hair is my life, my profession. It’s also one of the few things that individualizes me from my twin.
“Charlie,” I whisper, not realizing my body has turned to him.
“Yeah, sunshine?” The warmth of his breath hits me. We’re close, our lips only an inch away and I’m so tempted. I want him. More than I’ve ever wanted a man. I have no idea what his relationship to Gillian is, and kissing him would be a huge, HUGE mistake.
But would I be able to live with myself if I let this moment pass?
He doesn’t come any closer, giving me the power here. To kiss or not to kiss, that is the ultimate question.
Rising on my tiptoes, I close the space between us and press my lips to his. It’s a light touch. A gentle meeting of our lips as if to test the waters. I should have known better though. One taste, one touch and I need more.
His lips are softer than they look. I gasp, mouth opening when he suddenly pulls me tight into his body. His mouth comes down on mine, taking advantage of the opening I’ve given him. My surprise doesn’t last long. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. Damn, his taste is almost better than the donuts I devoured tonight. His kisses could feed me for days.
I cling to him, never wanting this moment to end.
“Mr. Van Ravenswaay? Charles, are you—oh! Sorry,” a voice breaks through my haze. Detaching my lips from his, I hear Charlie curse as he addresses the man who has interrupted us. My face is flaming with embarrassment. We were just caught making out like teenagers on the terrace. I have to stifle my giggle with my hand, looking back out at the garden until I was under control.
“Of course, Mr. Van Ravensawaay.”
My spine straightens when I hear the name, a new awareness falling over me. That name, it’s familiar. It means something—something big—I know it does. I just have to remember…the name clicks.
Oh no.
This isn’t the Charlie from marketing. The friend Gillian mentions every now and again.
This is Charles Van Ravenswaay.
The boss of bosses. The man my sister works for.