Page 2 of Resisting the Grump
“I will,” I vowed, pulling open my door.
“If he goes too fast, remember that move I showed you.” She thrust her wrist out, indicating the one we’d practiced.
Assuring her I would, I secured my seatbelt and started toward the library, hoping my heart would relax before it burst through my tight chest.
I couldn’t exactly tell you when I started loving Davis Brenton. In my head, all the moments were made up of little fragments of time, smiles, and laughter. Things that wouldn’t have mattered to a regular person. To me, they were everything.
Hewas everything.
The town thought he was a grumpy recluse—a nobody who lived up on Mount Macon, only coming down a few times a month to gather supplies or get gas—but in my eyes he was a forgotten king, hiding away in his fortress. Deep down, there was rusted armor that just needed someone to help him unearth, so he could be brave again. I recognized the sadness, the heaviness that he carried, which he likely assumed no one saw.
But I did.
I heard his silent words, and they were loud enough to drown out everything else.
Through the years, I’d watch him, and I’d fall a little further. A little harder.
I had always hoped he’d see me and fall, too, and while I had made several attempts, I was beginning to give up hope. And then Carl handed me that letter.
The drive to the library went by in a blink, and before I knew it, I was pulling into the empty lot.
No lights were on, but Davis had planned for us to meet here, so I assumed the front door would be unlocked.
Swallowing the thick lump of panic and anticipation rising in my throat, I exited my car and walked toward the entrance.
My palms were sweaty as I tugged on the brass handle, but it eased open on silent hinges, just like always, which proved that the note was real. Davis reallyhadasked to meet me here tonight. A new wave of excitement hit me in the chest, making my breath hitch in my lungs.
I couldn’t see much, given most of the lights were off, but making my way near the center of the building, I could see back by the illuminated study tables.
The silence in the space was nearly overwhelming, but it added to the gravitas of the moment. I walked up the small ramp leading to the young adult section and bypassed the lounge chairs and computer stations. My pace quickened as I moved along, my heart hammering with every step.
I had tried to interact with Davis multiple times over the years, but he’d never really looked at me. He looked through me, over me, or past me, but never directly at me. He never once said my name, and honestly, I didn’t even think he knew who I was until that letter appeared, so that note felt like winning the lottery.
Would he hold my hand? Touch my hair, maybe kiss me tonight? I smiled, watching the familiar, worn carpet at my feet.
That’s when I heard it.
The giggle.
I paused, frozen for a second, because the lilt of laughter sounded feminine…but that couldn’t be right.
I powered on, cautiously.
Peering through the stacks, trying to catch a visual of Davis, I tiptoed around a study carrel, andthat giggleerupted again.
I held my breath as I curved the last row of books and edged close to the open study area, staying in the shadows as much as possible. There in the back was Davis, hovered over a woman lying flat on her back on one of the battered wooden study tables, her hair splayed out behind her.
I couldn’t really process what I was seeing, my brain whirling into overdrive to make sense of it all.
That was until his lips landed against hers in a hungry way, a way that I had dreamed about a thousand times. His navy blue eyes were closed as he devoured her mouth, making a groaning sound deep in his chest that nearly sent me to my knees.
I watched, hand pressed over my mouth to hold back a sob, as he pushed up her shirt and peeled down her bra. My eyes filled with tears when he sucked on her breast, slowly moving down her frame until she was naked underneath him.
My cheeks were flaming, but my hands were cold as ice, in disbelief that he would tell me to meet him here, knowing he’d be with someone else. I was still firmly in denial that this was real until his hands moved to his own pants, lowering them enough to show a flash of skin, and then the woman on the table was crying out as he plunged forward.
I was still a virgin, but my brain was putting the pieces into place, and it all coalesced as Davis and this woman started moving in unison, his head dipped against hers while her hips rocked forward, her sultry cries hitting me in the chest like a sledgehammer.
He was fucking her in front of me.