Page 16 of Saint
Her eyes go from me to Ciara, then back up at me. “Well, if someone can go get Uzo, I’m sure I can find something to do at my place. No need to bother Ainsley.”
“Are you sure? Just asking you to keep her is a lot.”
A little smile graces Doc’s face as she looks at Ciara. “What do you say? We could take the puppies to the park and maybe have a little picnic. Would you like that?”
“Roe, go grab Ciara’s booster. She’s staying with the Doc.” I call as I take the Doc’s hand with just a slight hesitation, I pull her up into my arms. “Thank you for doing this. I’ll call when I get done. I’ll have Fin, one of our prospects, pick up Ozo and meet you at your place? He’ll stick nearby too.” I lean in to kiss her but press my lips to her cheek instead.
“No need to call. I’ve already told you where the key is.” She whispers, returning the cheek kiss.
Back at the clubhouse, I collapse into my chair. I've got three sets of voices talking at me at once. Like I’m supposed to be able to understand anything being said.
“For fuck’s sake, shut the fuck up and talk one at a Goddamned time,” I shout. Shutting up, Roe, Em, and Del. Sully is behind us, checking the wiring for our call with Alvarez.
“All I’m saying is we need to have everything connected so I can get good sound quality. Who the fuck knows where these asshats are gonna call from.” Delia huffs.
“Then quit fucking talking and get to fucking work. I have shit to do, and I think the Doc gave me something so I would sleep.” I look up as Monroe hands me my kutte, the vest with our colors, and my President Patch is finally sewn on. It’s got our symbol and motto-Live Fast, Ride Free, Leave a Good-Looking Corpse, embossed into the buttery black leather.
“Gotta represent, you ain’t been doin’ a lot of that lately, Brother.” He winks at me as I slide it on. It feels good on my back.
“We’re good to go,” Sully shouts, closing up the six-foot ladder.
“Yeah, it's been hard with the kid. I’m getting back into it. Let’s get this chat over with. I've a shit ton of calls to make. We still haven’t made headway on a place for Otto.” I sit back in my chair at the head of the table. Monroe sits to my left and Em to my right. They too, wear their kuttes. Em’s got her tits up high and her long black hair in a pony to show her tats. These cartel guys are all about representation and presentation. I’m not expecting them to give her much respect at the moment, but she’ll earn it fast. If I had thought otherwise, I wouldn’t have upped her.
Delia sets the call, and Hector Alvarez appears on the screen. He’s easily in his seventies and of Mexican and Dominican descent. In the early seventies, he made a name for himself when he took out a Columbian Lord and took over his business. They even gave the day a name. La fiesta de los demonios-The Devil's Feast. Fitting as it happened on All Hallow’s Eve. He sucks on the chewed end of his cigar, looking as cool as a clam.
“Hola, Saint. I see you have finally become El Presidente, eh?” He smiles like a snake.
“Figured it was time to take my place. We’re not sure what happened with Garcia. The little fucker damn near killed me. Poisoned me good that one. Killed one of our guys, took all the drugs and even some of the money.”
He nods slowly. “That was not the plan.” He sighs, relighting his stogie. “I can assure you that my people are looking into it. I like our arrangement. It has been good for us. Garcia is an anomaly that will be eliminated.” He leans forward. “I liked your father, Calan-” He twists his hand left and right. “So-so. I just hope this has not put you off. Tell me, how may we right this?”
“You can start with delivering that piece of shit’s head on a silver platter with a side of red beans.” Em crosses her arms and legs with a hiss.
“I agree with my VP here, but I don’t care for her tact. She’s still learning, and I have to practically beat Calan’s teachings out of her.” Em side-eyes me but doesn’t dare open her mouth again. I’ll deal with her once we finish this.
Alvarez’s shoulders rise and fall in amusement. “Seems the fruit stayed close to the tree. Careful, young lady, the shade can often cause a bruise.” He looks her up and down, then back to me, and then Monroe. “Sunday, I can have a little restitution arranged. Tell me, what stone does la Princesa admire? Sapphires? Emeralds? Perhaps I shall find the palest blue diamonds to match those narrowed eyes?”
Em goes to speak, but Sully clears his throat, gaining Alvarez’s attention.
“Hector, always a pleasure. A gift is not what we need. As Saint was, as you may see, wounded, a quick turnaround would be most ideal. However, Sunday is sacrosanct for us, as you well know.”
The man puffs on his cigar again, nodding and smiling. “Of course. Expect to find all that you need and a boon. The beach is pretty about now.” He winks as the camera goes black.
“Huntington, hangar eighteen,” Sully says, sitting abruptly. “It’s where your dad started with them.” Even though Sully heard the confession of my cunt mother, he continues to call Killian Westmoreland my father.
“Del cut the Goddamn power,” I growl before turning on Emlyn. “You have a Goddamned place, and it isn’t to make comments like that to the fucking Cartel! Goddamnit Em! You are not your father. If you want to be, then go run with the fucking bitches. I’ll find someone that has the balls for the job. I didn’t ask you to be my VP because you’re fucking family. I asked you because I thought you could fucking handle it. If it’s too fucking much, then speak the fuck up and get out of my Goddamned clubhouse.” I’m seething when Monroe pulls me out of Em’s face. “Get the fuck off of me. She’s going to ruin everything this fucking club has put into place if she doesn’t watch her fucking mouth.” I turn back, looking at Em. “Do you even understand the fucking threat he was throwing this way?”
“Saint-” Delia says softly. “You’re going to bust a vein. We got this, she understands, but tossin’ God’s name around is likely to get you struck by lightning, and frankly, I’m not looking to get a free perm today.”
“Fuck you, Delia. Maybe take your damn sister and teach her a thing or two before I do beat your father out of her.”