Page 28 of Saint
Saint is unusually quiet. I mean, I think it’s unusual, but what do I really know? I meant everything I said to him, but a part of me still wants to run for the nearest exit. We set up everything to move Bridget. Apparently, there is a back exit just beyond the community pool on the eastern side of the compound. I call it that because they lock it up tighter than a steel drum. It appears to be a gated community to the outside, but one step inside and the feel changes. It’s not bad, just—different. It’s a family, but definitely not a functional one.
Exhibit A- The woman that had her face blown off is awake and trying to rip out the IVs I put in to keep her hydrated.
“Missus Westmoreland, please calm down. You’ve had a terrible injury. If you rip open your stitches, it will be twice as hard to correct the damage. I’m Doctor Toney Fuze, a friend of Saint’s. Please, we need to move you for the sake of your health and your people.”
“Doc, we're ready to go. What’s taking so long?” Saint asks as he’s walking into the room. He stops dead, looking from his mother to me. “I thought you said she wouldn’t wake up?”
I shake my head, filling a syringe with Midazolam. It’s the fastest thing I had in the clinic for sedation. “I said shouldn’t. I don’t know the extent of the injuries beyond what I can see and feel.” I grab the IV line even as Bridget tries to get up. Saint walks over and presses against the top of her head. “SAINT! Are you fucking out of your mind?” I scold him as Bridget tries to scream or maybe talk. It doesn’t matter. I have her jaw wired and half her head bandaged. She couldn’t move it if she wanted to. The sedative effects have little hesitation, and she starts to drop. I get behind her and lower her. This man would have actually let her drop. “For fuck’s sake,” I whisper.
“If I was fucking out of my mind, you Doc would be pressed against the wall and taking every fucking inch.”
“Uggh, just help me with the bed, the dazzle won’t last long, and I’d like to get her looked at properly.” I kick the break at the head of the bed. I don't want to know why they have a hospital bed, but I am glad for it.
“Get out of the way, Doc, and just open the doors.”
“The fuck I am. She’s my fucking patient.” I grasp the head of the bed. “She’s your mother. You have no way of being objective here.”
“I'm pretty fucking objective considering everything I've been through in the last seventy-two Goddamn hours.” Saint is pushing into my space. “Don't tell me I can't be fucking objective.”
My head lifts hearing Sully. Before I can say anything, he and Lachlan, one of the other men, come in. I’m pulled one way, Saint the other. “You two are going on ahead,” Lachlan demands as Sully takes the bed. “No arguments.”
“If you can’t play with your toys nicely, they get taken away.” Sully huffs, pushing Bridget away.
“Fuck you, Sullivan.”
“You wish.” Sully chuckles, turning into the hall as Lachlan points at us.
“No arguments. You all need to be on the same page if questions get asked. So suck a cock, eat a pussy, an ass whatever, but get good, and I mean now.” He walks out.
I’m so flabbergasted I just drop into the nearest chair.
Saint crosses his arms over his chest, looking at me. With a flick of his tongue, he walks to me. Before I know what's happening, I'm over his shoulder. “We don't have time for your period Doc. Push that shit out of the Goddamn way and thank me for the fucking ride.”
I kick, and when that doesn’t work, I take a bite out of his shoulder, and he returns the favor by pressing against my pussy through my scrub pants and biting my hip.
“Fuck, Saint, if you don’t put me down right fucking now, I swear to God and everything that is fucking Holy, I will never willingly let you touch me again!”
“Keep talking like that, Darlin'. It's making hard.”
“I fucking mean it!” I punch him in the head as hard as I can from this angle. He staggers, and I feel my body roll. I am grabbed again and lowered to the ground. Looking up, I see Finn above me, but Monroe is in Saint’s face.
“Brother, you need to back off!” Monroe catches Saint’s fist as it lurches for him.
“I wasn't fucking hurting her. Get out of my Goddamn face!” Saint screams, swinging again, and this one lands against Monroe's face.
Before I know what's going on, they're both going at it, and Finn is trying to get me away from the two overgrown idiots. “C’mon, let them do what they gotta.” He says, pulling me to my feet.
I yank away, seeing the blood in Saint’s face. I don’t know if it was Monroe or me, but his eye is busted back open.
“Da-Da! Nee-Nee!”
My eyes and head swivel hearing Ciara. She’s strapped into the booster. It’s then I realize we are actually outside at the trucks.