Page 30 of Saint
Em cleaned up Monroe and me before we finally got on the road. She ran her mouth the entire fucking time too, and I just repeated what I’ve always said. I told ya not to fuck with mine. Doc is mine whether they want to see that or not. I wish I was a better person. It's what she deserves, but I’m not. I fuck, hurt, and even kill people if I have to. I’ve stolen. I’ve broken into places. This is my life.
Death will come for me just as it has everyone else in this life. I’ve been able to keep myself from Death’s grasp so far, and I will continue to for as long as I possibly can. I need to be here for my girls. I also may need to do some groveling.
When Monroe and I make it to Doc’s office, I find her with Ciara, coloring.
“Da!” My girl cries which has her running to me and Doc looking up.
Picking up my baby girl, I kiss the top of her head and walk over, taking a seat by the Doc. “Who’s your picture for?”
“Nee-Nee.” It makes my heart warm knowing that her words are for Doc and me.
“What about yours, Doc?”
Her long lashes lift slightly as she lifts the image. It’s a pig on a motorcycle. Hand drawn. “I’m doing portraits now.”
“Now, you must be talking about Roe. Seeing as he’s the pig of the bunch.”
“I dunno.” She looks up at me, her eyes like molten chocolate. “I don’t think Ciara has a Monroe plushie.” She stands, slapping the drawing into my chest. “You should frame that.” She passes me as her phone vibrates. “This is Doctor Fuze…” Her brow furrows. “Yes, it’s across from the Sunny Dae Spa. You can’t miss it. It’s got a ton of glass. Pull around back, and I’ll let you—yes, the family is here. She is sedated. Okay. Thank you.” She hangs up, followed by a long deep breath. “That was the transport. They’ll be here in a few minutes. I withheld her name. I wasn’t sure if there was an alias or not.”
I run a hand down my face. There wasn’t time for an alias. “Just give them her name. The cops will link it back to the club they always try to.”
Thankfully my woman makes quick work on my face because no sooner than she finishes than they were loading up my mom and on the way. We all follow Doc to the hospital. She’s helping do whatever she can for my mother, which I am beyond grateful for. At the same time, the only thing I can do at the hospital is twiddling my fucking thumbs, which does nobody any fucking good. I decide to leave Crux here, and Finn will be back to bring Doc home. I just need him to bring Ciara back to the compound.
No sooner do we get Ciara into Ainsley’s hands, and she’s carting her off do we hear the sirens and see the lights outside the gates. I glance at Lachlan and Monroe to make sure all the blood is gone, and nothing can incriminate us.
I pull out my phone to shoot my woman a message just in case she gets back, and I’m still dealing with the pigs.
ME: Doc, I left Crux, and Finn is on his way back to you. Do not go anywhere without them. Five-O just got here. I don’t know who will be back first but know I love you and I’ll see you soon. Do your thing, then come home. Little Miss is missing her Nee-Nee.
I don’t expect a message back, so I just slide the phone into my pocket and wait. I know at least Roe, and I are going to jail or at the very least being taken in for questioning.
“Hey Em, make sure you have the van ready when we call and not a moment before. I don’t want you leaving until our call comes through.”
She just nods at me when I spy Mitchem getting out of his car. “Well, well, seems there’s a new man in charge. Brought the women in as well, I see.” He says, nodding his head at Delia. “Tell me, Saint, how’d your momma end up with a GSW?”
“Messed with the wrong John, I suppose.”
“Where’s Callan?” Mitchem asks.
“Em? Your old man headed toward Nevada a couple days ago, right? Was supposed to check in with the charter there?”
“Yeah, said he’d call when he got settled. So you know what that means.”
I nod, confirming her answer. “He’ll call and check in when he’s done going through all the pussy up there.”
“Saint, you know the drill.” Mitchem starts again.
“Actually, I think we forgot. Care to read us the run down.”
“We just want to have a talk Saint.”
“You want to talk, and I need to take a shit. Care to tell me something else nobody cares about?”
“Saint, must you be so crude in front of the women?”
“They’re family. They’ve heard it all. The only thing I’m sure they ain’t seen is the size of my cock.”