Page 36 of Saint
Saint’s head is on a swivel as we pass through the dining room. Gio had the formal table brought out just so there was room enough for everyone. Between Saint’s family and us, it totaled out at thirteen. It’s like Christ and the Apostles on Easter Sunday. So, does that make me Mary Magdalene? I mean—obviously, we already sussed out Judas, and instead of hanging, he got to be fish food, with a lead dick in his mouth.
My heart is raging against my ribcage as my mind tries to wrap around what my life has become. Born to a family of criminals, abused, and broken, only to escape and build one of the most lucrative and successful medical practices in the country, Yet here I am, willingly and willfully on the arm of a man that probably could make my father, if he were still alive piss himself. Yet, I have no fear, only love and adoration, both given and freely taken in return. I never thought I’d want to have children again. I have secrets, things I still need Saint to know. To understand, but it can wait. I need him to be accepted and accept the one person who knows all of my secrets.
We step out onto the back patio and find Gio trying to hold back his laughter. The tremors are softer today. The marijuana helps. God knows that the medications do absolutely dick.
He’s watching Finn as he tries to put together the two-wheeler bike and scooter I got for Ciara. I picked them because they were the same shade of teal as my car.
The pups and their momma run around happily while Gio tosses a ball. It’s good exercise for him, and he loves the dogs completely. I mean, I got Bailey from him after all.
“If you think it’s so damn easy.” Finn huffs, standing up and brushing off his ass. “Hey, um—what’s up?”
“Is that how you speak to your elders? I know the Gatekeepers didn’t teach you that.” Saint shakes his head. I was really starting to like the kid. I hoped he’d get whatever position he was vying for. Saint turns his attention to Gio. “I’m sorry for the kid’s rudeness.”
“It’s in his blood. Good Irish, Italian boys tend to be a little lax in their behavior, but this one—he’s a good egg. Smart as a whippet, though from what he tells me, his sister is a force of nature.” Gio speaks slowly and with great determination.
“Must be the Italian side because when I was in someone else's home, I knew not to disrespect.”
I snicker. “Okay.” I get the side-eye, but he knows I know he’s blowing so much smoke that I may need an exhaust fan. I squeeze his arm while Gio goes to stand. I immediately pull away and set myself to help him. It’s an instinct, and I pray Saint understands. “You okay?” I ask Gio as he stands to his full five foot ten height.
He pats my hand on his arm. It’s slow but strong. “I’m fine. I want to shake the hand of the man that has won your heart.” He looks at Saint. “Giovanni Sala.”
Saint takes Gio’s hand. “Saint Westmoreland, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I brought you a bottle of the finest Irish Whiskey.”
“Thank you.” Gio motions to the chairs around us. “Sit. Would you join me in a glass? Toney, be a dear?” He looks at me. “She doesn’t care for whiskey, so it will just be us. Finnigan, I think you’ve earned a taste of good spirits.”
“I’m not old enough, Sir,” Finn answers, and I look at Saint in question.
Saint quirks a brow. “I wasn’t President when Finn decided he wanted to be a Prospect. Finn?” Saint questions, though I’m not sure why he felt the need to explain that.
Finn looks at the ground. “I’ll be eighteen in June.”
“For fuck’s sake! What the fuck are you—” Saint looks to the ceiling. I think he’s counting. “Aren’t you and Sully fucking?”
“I knew I detected a fellow homo!” Tobey squeals. “They wanna know when the food is touchable—You guys bonded yet? Little man, if you need pointers or help with that strapping—”
Finn covers his beet-red face. “Oh, my God, no! We aren’t—I mean- He’s not—it’s not like that.” He’s stuttering and nearly in tears.
Saint runs a hand through his hair. “How the fuck did you end up in my clubhouse?”
“Trudy Eaton.” He says softly. “Big Mac, Eaton’s daughter. She’s in my advanced chemistry class. Got me the job, cutting and stepping. I figured out that mix for the Mitsubishi’s.”
If Saint burns any hotter, he’s gonna explode. I put my hand against his neck, giving it a soft squeeze. “Baby, sit, please.”
“Well, that answers that question.” Gio looks at Tobey. “Let the caters know their break is over and to start setting out. We will be forthwith. But I think this man needs a drink first.”
“I’m sorry, Saint.” Finn sounds like a beaten puppy. “I didn't know. You didn’t know. Calan said—” He stops as the rage fills Saint’s eye at the mentioning of Calan.
I hear the cracking of the whiskey bottle and watch as it’s passed to Saint. “Now, you can’t blame the boy—he was following his pecker, and at that age, you remember it doesn’t make the best decisions. At your age, it’s better, but by the time you hit your fifties, you’re lucky if it even notices itself anymore, let alone a pretty set of DSLs.”
“Please, Saint. I like hanging out with you guys. I like being part of the community. Don’t put me out, and please don’t send me back to Arizona. My sister will kill me. I made your product safer. That crap Alverez was trying to pass off was hurting customers. Now it doesn’t. I’ve been really good for business, and I am not having sex with anyone. Never have, and at this point, it’s probably never gonna happen for me. I don’t wanna go back to being the geeky kid with no friends.”
“Fuck, Kid! Church tomorrow. Now go clean up you can finish this shit later. There’s more at home. Fucking seventeen God damn years old. Cock sucking mother fucker.” Saint starts talking to Finn, then ends up mumbling and shaking his head.
Not sure what else to do to calm him, I step in front of him, grab both of his hands and slap them onto my tits. “Baby, refocus,” I say softly. “I promise you that this is going to be okay, and you and I are going to go have a nice walk out by the barn. Would you like that? You, me, a soft blanket and a bed of wildflowers? We can do that right now.”
“Take her up on that, young man. Because if you shake any harder, I’m going to start throwing my meds at you.” Gio snickers. “Go runoff that frustration, and I’ll see that your family is entertained.”