Page 40 of Saint
When we finally manage to get back to the house, I have to go out to the truck and change my clothes. Anyone looking got to see me in all my mother fucking glory. Doc stood beside me, holding my kutte. “Darlin’, you going to keep holding that or help me put it where it goes?”
She bites her lip, looking it over, and looking at the bits of blood that have begun to stain her pretty green top. “Is it against your rules?” She lets out a little gasp. “I mean, do you like get to pin me or something? I don’t really know how this all works with you. Drugs, gun-running, I understand that. But what you all do is not my paygrade.”
“Doc, we’re not just gangsters. We do what you said and so much more. Roe wanted to get into porn a while back but more vetoed it. We also have the garage we work out of. The candy shop on Main Street is ours too. Mom helps Margie, who you met a couple of days ago, or she did. I suppose I have to find someone else to help with that. Margie handles the escorts and strip clubs. We also raise a fuck ton of money with charity events every month or so. We should be having one in a couple of weeks. Are you asking me if you can wear my colors?”
“I suppose I am. I mean, unless I get a nifty vest that says First lady.” She teases.
“Do you want one that says, First Lady?” She shrugs at me. “Then we’ll get you one. I told you all you have to do is ask.”
“Does it have to be all boxy? Can I have a couture leather vest? One that looks hot but comfy for the girls?” She grabs her tits and then yelps. “Ouch.”
“Do I need to kiss them better?”
“Come on, Doc.” I take my kutte from her holding it out for her to wear. She turns, and of course, she’s swimming in it.
“Wow, it’s heavier than I thought.”
“Da fuck!”
“I think we’re being summoned.” I kiss Doc’s head before walking past her to pick up my girl. “Sorry, baby. Have you had fun?”
“Da fuck.” Ciara says again, and I can hear Toney giggling behind me.
“Listen, kid, you can’t go around saying that. It’s a bad word.” I tell her, and she drops her head.
“Gie Gie,” Ciara says with a pout, and I look around for someone to answer the question I haven’t yet voiced. The fuck?
A moment later, Giovanni appears. “I’ve got your juice, Kiki.” His hand shakes a touch, but the lid on the cups I got her is tight.
“She’s getting tired. Did she eat okay?” I ask Gio because apparently, my family is stunned and stupid.
“Like a little cham—” Tobey stops speaking and squeals like the woman he was originally born. “Is that an engagement ring?”
“Tobey. Ears are here. Mind keeping that squeal down a bit. I was going to talk to you and Giovanni, but you know the Doc and how she likes to fuck up plans.”
“See, I want what you all got. Hot instalove with incredible sexy times.” He mutters. “I better be your MOH.”
I look between the siblings and start to speak but change my mind. “Nope, not even going to ask.” I turn my attention back to Gio. “I’d love it if you and Tobey would come back to the compound with us. I’ve got to play the Easter Bunny. You can laugh at me like the rest of the assholes.”
He nods. “Only if you let me donate all of this food. I may have had Toney cater for a far larger group than we got.”
“I”m sure everyone would love to have it. It’s a potluck, so everyone brings a little something. Del and Em, you want to help Doc and Tobey pack up the food? La La, Sully, Roe, and Finn can carry Ciara’s stuff out. Put the toys and stuff in the van with Finn and Sully.” I say everything I do and look back at Doc. “Give her over. I’ll take her to the potty before we head out.”
“She just went to sleep. Do you really have to wake the cranky toddler?”
“If you let her sleep now, she won’t sleep tonight.” Toney sing-songs.
“Wanna bet on it?”
“You can’t afford it.” She snickers, grabs my daughter, and heads back into the house.
“If she cries the entire way home, you’re the one that will be in trouble.” Doc just laughs as I look at Gio. “I guess we have time to chat. They're going to be a few.”
“Yes. So it would seem. Tobey will be good enough to get the car for me. I thank you for the invitation. It has been a while since I’ve gone to more than doctor’s appointments.” He clears his throat. “Was she—did she explain our friendship to you? I do not wish to be a burden to her or a hindrance to your relationship.”