Page 45 of Saint
My ears ring as bullets slam into the table. Saint is taking shots in controlled bursts, just like his pops taught him. How the fuck did we get here? Brother shooting at brother, just because somebody fell in love? My mind races as I work out just what we need to do. I’m the strategist. I layout plans and decide just how what needs being done gets that way without us getting dead. I wish I had been consulted, but something tells me from how our President is running his hands through his hair that he didn't think this through.
Em has decided to take the high route. I watch as she flips that long dark ponytail before making a break toward the ladder in the back of the room. Sully had been fixin’ a light, and the fucker goes all the way into the rafters. Delia isn’t much with a gun, but fuck me if she can’t handle a blade. These girls have bigger balls than us guys, that’s for sure. Someone gets too close, and she stands, cutting a throat. The arterial spray goes all over as she spins and is back beside me.
“Damn, girl, you ain’t playin’.” I huff, reloading as she wipes the blood out of her eyes.
“How many rounds you got left, Saint? Roe?” She looks around. “Where’s Em?”
I point up, and her eyes follow, finding her sister seated on a beam. Another support keeps her safe.
Bang! Pop! Pop!
Sid drops, two to the chest and one to the head. She’s good with the Glocks, but you should see her with a longer-ranged weapon.
“Saint, I’ve only got one clip left. I wasn’t prepared for a fucking shoot-out.”
“Same as you with this one, but I’ve got my backups at my ankles,” Saint calls over his shoulder before popping off a few more rounds.
“Em! What we looking at?”
“Razor and Shift are dead, but Crux and Drysten—Damn, that’s hot.” She smiles from ear to ear. “Hold on!”
Pop, Pop, Bang!
“Four—Darragh’s pinned, but I don’t see Glen anywhere, I—”
“Em!” I shout, seeing the hand wrap around her mouth. Glen managed to climb up, and now he’s got her! “Saint, have you got a shot?”
“Possibly, but more likely, I’d hit Em with the way the fucker has her. Roe? I want my sister down from there safe!”
My head snaps as I hear Roe.
“Delia, don’t!”
I’m gonna get whiplash. Back to the left, I feel my guts lock up as Delia makes a break, taking out two patches as she runs for the ladder. These two took gymnastics in their teens, and it fucking shows. Em has wrapped herself around Glen like a fucking anaconda. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Delia sprouted wings because she’s on the beams in seconds. Knife in hand, she stalks the rafters as Glen tries to keep his balance and get Em off himself.
“Be careful!” As everything goes still, I watch Delia run like her footfalls aren’t on four-inch wide beams. I hear the scream, but I’m too far away. Em falls, and we all try to run, but Monroe catches her. Jumping, he wraps himself around her, letting his body take the fall.
“Saint!” I hear Crux panting, there are some murmurs, but the shooting has stopped as the room shakes when Glen’s body slams into the ground.
We make it to Roe and Em, the body not far from them. As Saint checks them, I realize that there is a gaping hole in Glen’s chest. My eyes travel upward and see Delia standing covered in more blood and gore than Carrie on prom night. Her chest heaves, and in her hand is Glen’s heart.
“For you, brother dear.” Delia tosses the heart to the ground. “Because you are my heart, always have been, so let me be your eyes and ears. I dedicate myself to you. Your causes and fights are mine.”
“Have you lost your damned mind?” Sully hollers. He’s damn near as bloody as Del, but it’s mostly his hands. He’s not a huge man, but I saw him tear a telephone book in half when we were kids. “You need to shimmy that ass down just as fast as you went up. NOW!”
Sully is in full-on dad mode, it would seem. He takes long strides toward Saint and pulls him into his chest. “I’m sorry that this is all my fault. I never should have kept my mouth shut.” He growls. “You gotta forgive me, little brother.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. Are there more secrets? We don’t do secrets. I don’t do fucking secrets.” Saint wipes at his head. “Crux, get Ains, Ciara, Tobey, and Gio out of here. They need to get Doc too. Delia, how the fuck did they get in here with all this shit? They had this fucking planned. I should be fucking dead right the fuck now.” Saint is shaking.
She hugs her sister, looking straight into him. “You started this, not intentionally, but it’s how it is. The question is, do you have big enough balls to finish it? This place is locked down, but they will put up a fight to either get out or to you—to us. We all need to either get out or get more guns. The armory is the best bet. Only we three have the codes.”
“Saint—” I see him moving erratically. He’s losing his resolve. His kid is on the other side of those doors with Ains. “There is another problem.”
“I fucking know there is a Goddamn bigger problem.” Saint screams. “I know this is my fucking fault, but the only way that it would have been different is if I left you two the fuck out of it but I wasn’t going to do that. I trust you two, and you both have bigger balls than ninety fucking percent of the Goddamn men.”
He’s telling truths. The problems started when he named Del and Em part of the boys-only club. I know him, know he stands by his decision. “That doesn’t matter—blame doesn’t matter. We’re running out of time. Look—” I pause. “You, take Drysten, Sully, and the kid. Crux will do like you asked and stay with them. Del, you still got them comms you showed me last week?”