Page 9 of Judgment
I’m trying to intimidate her, send her running the way she clearly wants to, but she doesn’t budge as I stare at her tits, pretending to take in the slight swell of each one.
I should make her show them to me. Make her show it all to me.
Then send her away thinking she’s lacking.
But Victor is still standing behind me and he doesn’t deserve to know if her cunt is waxed clean or scattered with soft brown hair like I expect it is.
I force my eyes back to hers, giving her the same glare as before. “You’re not staying,”
Her delicate nostrils barely flare. “We have a deal.”
“I don’t make deals, Duchess.” I step closer, forcing her to tip her head back if she wants to hold my stare.
Expecting she won’t.
Hoping she will.
“I don’t have to.” I earn what I take. Pay for it in the currency required, whether it’s money, pain, or blood.
“You bought my—” The words trail off and she takes a sharp breath that drags my attention back to the swell of her tits, leaving it to hang there as she tries again. “You paid a lot of money for… For my…” Once again she’s unable to finish her sentence.
She’s so close. Close to realizing she accidentally forced her way into the lion’s den. Soon she’ll be running, leaving me to complete my claim on the empire I’ve worked so hard to rule.
I move in more, her slight intake of air one more step leading her out my door.
“I don’t want it, Duchess.” I lean down, bringing my lips almost to hers so she will have to hear every word I say. “I don’t have any interest in your cunt or what you think it offers.”
She sputters, but not with the fear I was expecting. “What?”
“You heard me.” I breathe deep for patience and not the sweet scent of her skin. “I won’t be fucking you, Duchess. Not tonight. Not ever.”
Her eyes are wide and filled with shock. “But you paid—”
“I know what I did.” I snap it out, trying once more to back her down. “I don’t need you to tell me.” The harshness of my words would shut up any man who works for me, including the one I almost forgot was still standing behind me.
I turn to Victor, ready to tell him that this woman is his problem, not mine.
But he’s gone.
I stare at the empty space, unable to believe what I’m seeing.
Sebastian would never have left me with this fucking mess.
A soft sound whispers behind me. One that’s vaguely familiar.
And not as unwanted as I wish it was.
When I turn to face her, Duchess is naked, the simple black dress she wore pooled across the floor at her feet. She stands tall and defiant.
Like she thinks the sight of tightened nipples and a hairless mound will tempt me to change my mind.
I click my tongue. “I have no interest in fucking virgins, Duchess.” I grit my teeth and pull my eyes from the delicate pink tipping her tits before walking past her and into my office.
She follows me in, undeterred. “Then why did you buy me?”
I sit at my desk. If she wants to stand here naked I’m not going to stop her. She’s not the first naked woman to grace my office and she won’t be the last.
Probably not the last tonight.